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Daily Devotional Worksheets

Reader Beware! The authors of this website are including the links on this page and the "Site Links" right navigation bar for their informational value in presenting opposing points of view. We do not necessarily agree or condone everything written in these publications.

  1. A Bible Study: How the Early Christians Witnessed & Lived!
  2. Amazing Grace! Part 1 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
  3. Amazing Grace! Part 2 - Free at Last!
  4. Attack! -- How to face your fears and do something about them!
  5. Backsliding! Warnings to those who leave God's service for worldly pursuits.
  6. Change the World!
  7. The Computer Chip Dream! --The Brand of the Beast!
  8. Death in Your Arms! Another Holy Ghost Story
  9. Dirty Dishes - Jesus had to get dirty to clean you up!
  10. The Doorknob's Too High! For Sinning Saints -- Who Fall Short of Saintly Goals!
  11. Doubts! - And How to Handle 'em!
  12. The Evils of Modern Entertainment A Good Lesson on What not to Watch!
  13. Faith & Healing - What real faith is and how to get it for healing of the body and soul.
  14. Fight For Your Rights! - David Berg's fight against a Miami Beach High School and the Florida Dade County School Board for using an illegal text book on biology that promotes Darwinistic Evolution
  15. Fighters! The Devil doesn't start shooting till you go over the top!
  16. The Family of Love - Sin or Salvation?
  17. Forbidden Planet! A Movie with a Meaning! Watch Your Thoughts!
  18. Freedom From Fear! How to face your fears and do something about them!
  19. God's Bride!
  20. Greater Victories! You never have a victory without a battle!
  21. Hallelujah for Happiness! True religion is a happy relationship with God
  22. The History of Protestantism in a Nutshell!
  23. How To Go On The Attack Against The Devil - Quote Scripture, Pray, Praise & Sing!
  24. Infidelity!
  25. It's Time For The Superman!
  26. Jealousy! Why do people get jealous? The cure for jealousy: think of others!
  27. The Joseph Lewis Story - David Berg challenging the atheist with his testimonial of healing by Jesus Christ
  28. Listening or lamenting?
  29. The Message of Jeremiah!
  30. Moses On the Mountain! A prophecy of coming world wide troubles.
  31. Are You Mrs. Jesus? -- Or an Unsaved Believer!
  32. Owe no man! David Berg's advice on monetary matters
  33. The Palestinians: Terrorist?--Or Terrorized!
  34. David Berg's Pointers for Health
  35. The Power of Positive Praise!
  36. Registration?--Or Scatteration!
  37. Shyness & Timidity!
  38. The spiritual warfare depends on us! --The majesty of choice
  39. Stop! ... Look! ... Listen! A tutorial for God's children on how to hear His Voice!
  40. Teaching great masters
  41. The Lord is My Deliverer - Practical tips how to be delivered from spiritual pests
  42. What Have You Done With Your Life?
  43. What Think Ye of Jesus?
  44. What's in it for me? The price of serving the Lord Jesus Christ
  45. The American medical system compared to the medical systems of the rest of the world. David Berg's views of the Medical system in the U.S.A.
  46. Where Poppies Grow - a prayer for soldiers who died in WWI
  47. Wonder Working Witnessing! How to share your faith in Christ!
  48. You Are What You Read! - The folly of reading the foolishness of man.