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Freedom From Fear!

How to Face Your Fears & Do Something About Them!

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by David Brandt Berg, April 14, 1975

Casting out the Devil and his spirit of fear!

Just as the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, fear of Satan is really the beginning of death! Fearing God is a form of worshipping God. To be afraid of God and to fear Him is really to give Him the respect that He should have, as we gave to our own fleshly fathers--as I gave to mine anyhow. But this kind of fear is a form of worship, believe it or not. Therefore to fear the enemy, to fear Satan, to fear the Devil is giving him just the kind of worship that he wants. It is really worshipping the Devil!

So you must rebuke that fear just as Jesus did when the Devil tried to get Him to worship him on the mount of temptation. He said, "Get thee behind Me, Satan! For it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve!" And as I got the Scripture a moment ago--the word that came to me must probably also be implied in the original: "Thou shalt worship the Lord they God and Him only shalt thou fear!" You're only to fear God! "This, Solomon said, "is the whole duty of man, to fear God"--only God--"and keep His commandments!" (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

So fear of the Enemy is not of God, "for perfect love casts out all fear, for fear hath torment." (1 John 4:18) "For God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind!" (2 Timothy 1:7) And, "Thou shalt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee." (Isaiah 26:3)

If you know that you love God and that He loves you, you know that He's going to take care of you; you know that Everything is all right because God loves you. So why should you be afraid?--There's no reason to fear! If you have perfect love for God and you know He has such perfect love for You, His perfect love casts our all this fear. (1 John 4:18)

Fear is the opposite of faith, the exact opposite of faith. It's not only damaging and disastrous to you and will wear you down and wear you out and give you a nervous breakdown and drive you out of your mind and even kill you if you keep letting it torment you, but believe it or not, that kind of fear and that spirit of fear is extremely contagious, just like a disease!

Others who live with you, people whom you touch, are apt to be afflicted with that same horrible fear.--It's just as possible to catch things in the spirit as it is in the physical, in fact even more so! It's even more dangerous and easier to catch if you're not inoculated with the Spirit of God and you have no resistance against these spiritual diseases.

The only cure is to call on Jesus, call on the Spirit of God! Call on the Lord and ask Him to deliver you!--To be thoroughly inoculated by the Spirit of God so that you have built up a genuine spiritual resistance to this fear so that you can't catch it anymore.

You must pray to Jesus or to God in the Name of Jesus--you must pray in the Name of Jesus and constantly use the Name of Jesus. The Devil hates the Name of Jesus! Constantly say, "Jesus, help me! Jesus, rebuke Satan! I rebuke you, Satan, in the Name of Jesus!" Constantly say Jesus! "Lord Father God" does not tell us what god you're praying to! Satan is the lord and the father and the god of this World, so let the Old Boy know Who you're praying to!--Not to him, but to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Father God!

The demons and evil spirits are subject unto us; They have no free will of their own. They cannot do as they please. They have to do what we tell them to do in Jesus' Name, and to get the Hell out of here! PTL!

Amen!--You too can have "freedom from fear"!--in Jesus!--Ask Him to free you now, from the fears of the Enemy, in Jesus' Name!--Amen!

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