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It's Time For The Superman!

by David Brandt Berg, October 24, 1987

The Antichrist offering the Mark of the Beast!

It's a very simple principle: You just cannot keep living on borrowed money, it has to come to an end sometime! The lenders are going to stop loaning. They'll lose confidence in your ability to repay. Just think, the U.S. has become the greatest debtor nation on Earth! It has the largest national debt, I think it's about 3 trillion dollars in debt!

And the horrible part about it is, they're going deeper and deeper in debt each year! They're running a 200 billion Dollar deficit each year now, adding to this 3 trillion (as of October 1987) Dollar total debt! They're sinking deeper and deeper in debt every year! And of course as deep as they are in debt now and as horrible as their indebtedness is, including their constant deficit every year, going deeper and deeper in debt, that debt will never be repaid, it's impossible! They can never catch up!

So something has to break, something's gotta snap, something's gotta give!--And it looks to me like it's starting to give with the Stock Market crash! People lose confidence, and that's it! If you recall the motion picture, "Roll Over," when all the big rich Arabs began to pull their money out of the American banks, it made the banks collapse, and this is a good time for them to think about it! As they see that it looks pretty impossible that the U.S. is ever going to be able to pay them back, they'll start pulling their money out to try to save what they can. After a Stock Market Crash, the banks are the next thing to go!--And it will affect everything and everybody!

There's only one way to solve it, and that's for some strongman to take over who can dictate policy and enforce it and change the whole economic system completely! He'll probably say, "We'll just cancel all debts now. We'll cancel your debts, but you'll have to serve me instead!"--Just what happened in the Bible when Joseph was managing what you might call the Egyptian stock market.

There was a great depression, a great famine, the Lord had withheld the rain to punish the wicked Egyptians. So to help the Jews, Joseph bought up everything. The people sold their grain first, then they sold their stock--not stocks and bonds like they're selling now, but livestock--and finally they sold themselves into slavery just to get something to eat! (See Genesis 47:13-25 !) And that's the way it'll go again!--And there's probably another ... Joseph who's managing this latest deal right now!

They won't have anything left to pay with! That's what happened in the last Depression, when people couldn't pay their debts, their creditors foreclosed on their collateral, whatever they had put up for collateral for their loans--their cars, their homes, their furniture, their businesses, their factories, everything! The big money boys just foreclosed on all of their properties and possessions! In other words, they "got'm for a song," so to speak. So the big money boys got richer and richer while the rest of the people got poorer and poorer!

I'm sure the big money boys, most of the AC money changers, engineered that last depression, because it made them richer and more powerful than ever, and the rest of the people poorer! And they had to get the World into the Second World War so that the [ACs could] take over the World and hold power, not just money! They had to get their [ACs] in everywhere, into government, the U.S. State Department, everywhere, so they could run these governments that they now owned because they had foreclosed on'm! So now they're apparently ready to do it again!

Nobody knows what caused it, what caused the stock market to crash! One guy gave away the secret: He said the big boys with huge blocks of stock got out six months ago! They got out ahead of time. They saw it was coming, they knew it would come, in fact they probably engineered it! So now these stocks go crashing and get down to where they're worth almost nothing like they did last time. People in the news are lamenting, "I'm wiped out, I'm broke!"

Where did they lose it? To whom did they lose it? When you lose something, somebody else must be finding it! You don't just lose things unless somebody else is gaining! So I'm sure they're engineering this thing so they can do like they did in the last Depression, so they can gobble it ALL up! But this time, instead of just foreclosing on furniture, cars, houses, companies, factories, industries and businesses, they're going to foreclose on whole governments who are now going to be their SLAVES and have to do whatever they tell them to do!--That's how they've taken over! This will help them take over the governments financially and take over the world!

It's just the ideal time and spot for the Superman!--And then he'll dictate his policies and establish a new financial system which will no doubt completely abolish the present Capitalist system for a whole new credit System, probably an electronic system on which the whole thing will be based, so they don't have to use money of any kind, or even checks! It's getting to be almost an impossible volume of paper for the banks to even handle checks now, paper money is getting to be such a big job! So they can handle it electronically then, with your Mark of the Beast or your credit card or your microchip in your forehead or whatever it is! (See ML #1666 !) That's what it will be based on.

You'll be given so much credit according to what work you do, how many hours work, etc. You'll be given credit through the electronic credit system where they don't even have to use any kind of money or checks or anything else. They can either read it off the palm of your hand or off your head! Whenever you want to buy something, they'll check in your number at the credit register and it'll check with the Credit System to see how many credits you've got available. "No man will be able to buy or sell" or trade at all, except through the Mark of the Beast!-- Rev.13:16-18 .--His trade-mark! That's a good name for it!--A trademark! You can't trade without the Mark!

Of course, in a sense i'm over-simplifying it, but that's the general idea, how easy it would be for him to take over! The World is in a huge Depression, a panic, a crash, and everything's gone haywire, everybody's lost everything and whole governments have gone bankrupt! To whom?--To the ones who loaned them the money! And they're going to find out it was the Rothschilds and the Kuhns and the Loebs and the Schiffs and the Wanamakers and all the other big AC investors, the ones who are holding the bag!--Only the bag they get left holding is full of money!--your money, government money!

The governments are then going to all have to acquiesce to him to do his will, whatever he says!--"follow me! worship me! I'm holding the bag, I've gotcha by the throat!"--And they're not going to be able to do anything about it! Because he will control everything, probably control the bombs and war and all the rest!-- Rev.13:4 .

The government is beholden to the ones from whom they borrowed the money, and now they can't pay it back! "The borrower is servant to the lender!"-- Pro.22:7 . So it's time to pay the fiddler!

It would be the easiest thing in the world for them to just take over and dictate world monetary policy, which will no doubt be electronic, by your electro-chip Mark of the Beast!

The bottom's going to fall out as these people begin to lose faith that the U.S. government is going to be able to survive economically! If you think the Dollar's gone down now, it's nothing compared to how it's going to go down! When that balloon popped, there wasn't anything left of it!--Remember? The Green Paper Pig has gotta go! then where will the U.S. be? In fact, where will the world be? They'll be indebted to the big money boys, the ACs who control the World today, who are then going to put up their Superman to solve all the problems! And he will be absolutely Devil-possessed, and will know exactly what to do to fool'm all, hypnotise them all and get'm all to follow him! He'll have a stranglehold on'm financially so they'll have to accept it!

I believe this is it, it's starting! Oh, it'll go up and down. You know the way gold goes up, it goes up two steps, down one, up two, down one. And the economy I think now is going to go down two, up one, down two, up one, sort of like that, the way the Stock Market is doing right now. They're all excited that, "Oh, the Stock Market has stopped going down, it's gone UP a hundred points!" Big deal! It fell 700 points in six days! This is it!

They danced the dance, now they've gotta pay the fiddler! They didn't take God into their accounting, they didn't have God in their reckoning, so they're going to have to pay off! They lived like the Devil and planned like the Devil and worshipped the Devil, worshipped his system, and now it's going to crumble! The present system is going to crumble, and the Antichrist's System will replace it!--And we may be surprised how fast it's going to happen!

This stock crash is going to affect everything, just like it did in '29! People lost faith in the government, in business, not only in the Stock Market but in just about everything, and it just kept on rolling downhill! It took about 2 years to hit bottom. But I think today, because everything moves so much faster, electronically and by computer and by air and everything else, it could go down real fast!

People have been living too high on the hog! Americans, individuals, have been living beyond their income, borrowing, going deep in debt with time payments for their house, their car, their furniture, everything. How are they going to pay? If they lose their job, then what are they going to do? Even with a good job and high pay like they had in the good old days, they could barely meet all their payments! When wages go down and they can't meet their payments, everything gets wiped out!

There were men who'd been rich men, living in hobo jungles! Like the old Depression song I sang for you once upon a time:

"Once I built a railroad, made it run,
Made it race against time!
Once I built a railroad, now it's done!--
Brother, can you spare a dime? Once I built a tower to the sun,
Brick and mortar and lime!
Once I built a tower, now it's done!--
Brother, can you spare a dime?"

Are you investing your all in God's Kingdom where you can't lose?--That yields 10,000% interest and eternal dividends!--Immortal priceless souls saved forever!--You'll be glad you did!

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