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Registration?--Or Scatteration!

This is another of one of David's many prophetic dreams.

by David Brandt Berg, Oct. 1974

NWO representative checks if you have the Mark of the Beast!

In the dream I was in this house at the edge of the forest. Our hostess was an old friend of my mother's and she was very hospitable and feeding us. She said, "Yes, yes, I know.--Lots of people come out of the forest nowadays looking for something to eat from the Turkish villages along the river because they don't want to register."

"Because nobody can have anything to eat unless they're registered. But they don't want to register, because nobody wants to live in a house nowadays with wiring and electrical appliances that can explode with the least little bit of radiation!" There was a real nice sweet man living there with her, sort of her lover. He was very lonesome and wanted you to sleep with him.

But then we had to flee to another village and we were there when this little boy came running and warning everybody, yelling, "The Representative is coming!"--Like it was some sort of official of the government. Three people sitting in the front seat of a car said, "We'll try to hide you!" But I said, "No, no!--There's no room there!--I'll run and hide someplace else!--Maybe I can hide over there in that big bus."

We opened the front door of the bus and there was this beautiful, beautiful tour guide hostess!--And we started getting on the bus. But just then the Representative drove up right behind us! He had his raygun balanced on his hip.

He turned to me casually and said, "Are you registered?" It seemed like you couldn't get FOOD unless you were registered, and it was against the law not to be registered, so I was scared to answer him. So I turned to the pretty tour guide--she was so uncannily beautiful!--I turned to her as though to ask her what to do for help.

I opened the bus door and there she was sitting on the floor!--But she had turned into a little BABY with great big mysterious eyes, and all of a sudden I knew she was an ANGEL! All she had to do was LOOK at the Representative and he didn't say any more or ask any more questions! It was like the power of her eyes stopped him!

He just said, "Oh, you have a family, huh?" And I said, "Yes, I have a baby." He said, "Well that's good, because this is what happens to people who don't register!"--And he levelled his raygun at somebody standing a little ways away and pulled the trigger and they just totally disappeared!

The System is always trying to get us registered or legalised, to make us LEGAL, and it's always BLASTING us if we DON'T, threatening us! But the Lord's always protecting us by some kind of miracle, even by His Angels. Our real refuge is out there in the WILDERNESS with the COMMON people by the streams of LIFE, because the VILLAGES were by the RIVER.

Our safest way to survive is to scatter and keep moving like the Jews and the Gypsies and the Bedouins! The minute you settle down or stay in one place TOO long, the local system and even your kings and queens wanna get you LEGALISED, REGISTERED and RECOGNISED!

But when you get all approved by the System you're no longer a revolution!--Because the System NEVER approves of REVOLUTIONS or CHANGE! It doesn't like changes. It likes things the way they ARE.--And when you try to change them they don't like you.

If you try to change to please them by compromising and conforming, you're no longer a revolution!--So you don't DARE register that much!--Besides, the System itself is not all that SAFE!--It's always the target of some RIVAL system, so where does it get you?

You're safer to stay out in the jungle with the poor and just [witness in or provision from] the System once in awhile if you have to! You can't FIGHT the System, but you don't have to JOIN it! Besides, the POOR and the NOMADIC like the Jews, Gypsies, Bedouins, jungle and mountain people have survived a LOT longer than ANY system!

System empires come and go, but the poor and the nomads live on forever! [Provision from and witness to those in] the SYSTEM, but stay on the [move]!--Amen? Jesus said if they persecute you in ONE city, FLEE to ANOTHER! [Mat.10:23a].--Keep moving!

Never hang around too long until you wear out your welcome so bad they try to force you to compromise!--And never betray your convictions and the Revolution by CONFORMING too much!--Never lose the PILGRIM spirit! Keep MOVING!--You'll LIVE longer that way and GO further and get more DONE!--Amen?

Be a fly-by-night suitcase missionary like the Apostle Paul! Scrounge off the System all you can, but when they try to make you BECOME ONE of the SYSTEMITES, head for the hills!--Or back into the woods or the jungles and live with and like the POOR that nobody bothers much about!--Amen?

But if you do get caught, God will help you!--Even if He has to send an ANGEL in the form of a pretty GIRL or a tiny BABY!--Amen?--And remember:

You never get something for nothing outta the System! That queen's LOVER boy wanted you to pay him off in BED!--And sometimes you may HAVE to, to get what you NEED and show'm you LOVE'M!--But you don't have to STAY there! Get it ON--and then get it OFF and off you GO again!--Amen?

And you'd better always have one eye on the next place to [MOVE]!--You may not have much time to LOOK! Never get too far from the POOR in the JUNGLE! Help THEM and they'll always help YOU.--And keep MOVING!--Hebrews 11!--Amen? God bless you and make you a blessing!

Are you a stranger and pilgrim on this Earth, of whom God is proud and not ashamed to be called your God because you desire a BETTER country? Do YOU heed God's warnings and prepare to save your family, even if it means FORSAKING ALL and not even knowing where you're GOING? Are YOU willing to CAMP OUT in TENTS because you're looking for a BETTER HEAVENLY city? Are you willing to … SUFFER with God's people because you love Jesus MORE? (See Heb.11)--Then He's got a WHOLE NEW WORLD for you!--Why don't you start TODAY! The fields are already white unto harvest, but the LABOURERS are FEW. Pray the Lord will send YOU NOW and GO! God bless you!

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