Deborah and Bill Davis' Dirty Book!

--by David Brandt Berg
Deborah and Bill Davis - COG Leaders of South America 1978

FOR THE SAKE OF ANY OF YOU WHO HAVE NOT YET HEARD THE TRUTH, OR BOTH SIDES, or who have perhaps heard only the wrong side of the story from our enemies as presented in Deborah and Bill's book, "The Children of God", we address this, so that you may have a fair opportunity to know the truth!

SO ALTHOUGH WE DO NOT USUALLY LIKE TO SOIL OUR FINGERS OR POLLUTE OUR MINDS WITH OUR ENEMIES' CUSTOMARY LYING and DECEITFUL GUTTERWASH, it might be helpful if we would set the record straight and at least balance the scales with the truth. Regretfully, it is also necessary to point out some of the background history and facts that led to the excommunication of my own daughter from our movement, who now calls herself Deborah Davis, her husband, John (Jethro) Treadwell and her perverted lover and mentor Bill Davis, and their consequent backsliding and betrayal culminating in their very dirty book!

WE CERTAINLY DON'T CARE TO ADVERTISE THE DEVIL'S BUSINESS, MUCH LESS HIS LIES ABOUT US! And we certainly don't have time or space here to drag your poor minds through the slop of all of Satan's garbage contained in that book! But let me assure you, there is hardly a page of its bitter and vindictive text that is not full of blatant lies, written with the intent of discrediting the good we've done and excusing the authors for their backsliding and excommunication from us!

BUT EVEN THOUGH THE BOOK IS FULL OF MANY INSIDIOUS, HORRIBLE LIES and FALSE ACCUSATIONS, THROUGHOUT ITS TEXT THEY CAN'T HELP BUT ADMIT and ACKNOWLEDGE THAT OUR FAMILY HAS HAD GOOD FRUIT. Even disgruntled defectors and backsliders testify in our favour as to our salvation message and the beneficial transformation of their lives, our emphasis on and adherence to the Bible, etc. So what is it that our bitter enemies who are promoting the book are so upset about?--"It's just that old monster who leads them, he is the bad, mad, false prophet who is leading them astray!"

WELL, BEFORE SWALLOWING THEIR ALLEGATIONS, REMEMBER THAT JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF WAS ACCUSED BY HIS LYING ENEMIES OF BEING A DEMON-POSSESSED DRUNK, GLUTTON and BLASPHEMER!--A companion of harlots and a friend of publicans and sinners! (Mt.26:65; Mk.3:21,22; Lk.7:34; Jn.10:20) They claimed that they were not blaming His innocent disciples, but were only accusing Him of being the big bad imposter. But Jesus showed how ridiculous this was when He likened Himself to a tree and His disciples to the fruit of the tree and said, "If the tree be evil, then how can the fruit be good?"--"Every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit." (Mt.7:15-18)

"FOR BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM!" (Mt.7:20) And I certainly believe that our faithful followers and the good results of their ministry around the World are sufficient proof that we and our Words are of God and that we are a good tree bringing forth good fruit.--We have 14,000 missionaries in over 100 countries who've won 7.6 million souls to Christ by preaching the Gospel in 50 languages to 111 nationalities and published 2.8 billion pages of Gospel literature and are regularly broadcasting our inspiring radio shows in 10 languages on over 1000 stations Worldwide!

SO CONTRARY TO THE LIES and FALSE ACCUSATIONS OF OUR ENEMIES THROUGHOUT THEIR BOOK, WE DO BELIEVE IN JESUS and IN GLORIFYING CHRIST!--In fact, this is all we live for! We know and love Jesus and are saved, born-again, filled with God's Holy Spirit and on-fire for the Lord!--And our main mission is preaching Christ--not Transcendental Meditation, Hare Krishna or Rev. Moon or even me!

CONTRARY TO THEIR LIES, I HAVE NEVER PREACHED ANYTHING BUT JESUS and HIS TRUTH and HIS WORD! I've never wanted to be a leader nor sought self-aggrandisement nor self-glorification nor anything like that.--All I ever wanted to do was just be used of the Lord, preaching the Gospel and winning others to Jesus.--And now our main ministry is simply writing letters to our Worldwide Family, to encourage and inspire them to be so thankful that they're Christians, saved and bound for Heaven, that they'll keep on showing others His Love and the way to Heaven also!

AND DESPITE SOME OF OUR DOCTRINES and BELIEFS WHICH MANY CONSERVATIVE CHURCHES FIND ODD OR HARD-TO-SWALLOW, our main emphasis has always been Jesus and His Love and His Salvation, and always will be!--This is what we preach the most and what has always been most important to us! And as a result of our preaching these, we've been blessed of the Lord and grown very rapidly, steadily, firmly and I know we're on the right track!--JESUS!

WE ARE CERTAINLY NOT PERFECT and WE HAVE MADE OUR SHARE OF MISTAKES just like everybody else, for which God and others forgive us! But certainly none of them have been nearly as serious as the many wilful and cruel crimes perpetrated by Deborah and Bill Davis, which they hid and covered up for years, but which, when finally exposed and called to our attention, brought about their immediate removal from their positions of responsibility in our Family and their consequent excommunication from our fellowship back in the beginning of 1978!

OF COURSE, SOME MAY THINK IT STRANGE THAT TOP LEADERSHIP SHOULD DEFECT OR BE DISLOYAL, but if you just read History you'll see that they are always the ones who defect, as it is always those in the position of authority who get jealous and want it all! And this is what happened to my own daughter Deborah, at the instigation and manipulation of her power-crazed lover Bill Davis, who got involved with her and stole her from her husband John Treadwell for this very reason in the first place!--To try to rise to a position of power within our Family!

AFTER THEY WERE REMOVED FROM OUR FELLOWSHIP, SEVERAL PEOPLE WHO HAD WORKED UNDER OR AROUND THEM FINALLY SPOKE UP and WROTE TO US, exposing many crimes committed by Deborah, Bill and John of which we had been completely unaware. And although we hate to dwell so much on the negative and the bad news, it's only fair that you hear the facts regarding them and what they've done, before believing what they merely say. So below are some eye-witness accounts of their un-Christian, unloving, un-Family deeds of the past.--Remember, "by their fruits ye shall know them" also!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family International

Continued in part 2 - Faith's testimonial
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