Deborah and Bill Davis' Dirty Book! Part II


Deborah and Bill Davis - COG Leaders of South America 1978 THE FACTS THAT I'M GOING TO RELATE IN THIS TESTIMONY and THE CRIMES THAT I'M GOING TO EXPOSE which were committed by Deborah, Bill Davis and John Treadwell during their years of shepherding were unknown to my father, due to my failure to report what I knew about them at the time. So I must take the blame for knowing much truth and not telling it due to an undeserved loyalty to my older sister, what I thought was pity and compassion, when in actuality it was a lack of compassion on the innocent victims of their crimes!

BUT THE TIME HAS NOW COME FOR ME TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT HER and why she is having to stoop to the gutter to try to discredit myself, my father and even my deceased grandmother and other members of my family! She is doing all this, as she herself has admitted, in the hopes of keeping her own children from rejoining our Family of Love, as her eldest daughter Joy attempted, running away from the tyranny of her parents in California when she was finally of legal age to do so!

SO SURE AM I OF THIS TESTIMONY THAT I'M CHALLENGING MY SISTER DEBORAH OPENLY and PUBLICLY WITH IT. I'm also challenging you to consider the truth before believing her lies, distorted truths and twisted tales!

ONE OF MY LAST CONTACTS WITH THEM WAS WHEN I WAS VISITING THEIR HOME IN LATIN AMERICA BACK IN 1977. I was in the dining room getting ready to eat supper one evening when I heard Bill screaming at the top of his lungs at the children upstairs. I then heard him throwing them around and hitting them! I jumped up from the table as I heard Bill screaming at Deborah that he was going to hit her, because she was trying to stand between him and the children whom he was beating severely!

HE THEN STARTED TO BEAT ON DEBORAH, SO I RAN INTO THE ROOM AS QUICKLY AS I COULD and stood right between Deborah and Bill and shouted, "Stop it! Stop it! In the name of Jesus, stop it! You're crazy! I rebuke you, Satan, in Jesus' name! Don't you touch her again!"

SEVERAL TIMES PRIOR TO THIS I'D SEEN DEBORAH'S FACE and EYES BRUISED BLACK and BLUE, but I never realised that Bill was actually beating her up until this moment when I was an eye-witness to it! He was in such a rage that I was afraid he was actually going to kill somebody! And when I looked into his eyes, it nearly scared me half to death!--Because I really saw the Devil, a real demon, and I was not prepared to handle it.

IT WAS ONLY A MIRACLE OF THE POWER OF PRAYER and THE NAME OF JESUS THAT I MANAGED TO GET AWAY FROM HIM AT ALL, as he was screaming and cursing at the top of his lungs and coming at me just like a crazy man!--I thought he was going to kill me! But the Lord managed to hold him in check while I slowly and deliberately backed away, out of the room, and then ran for my life!

AFTERWARDS DEBORAH CAME BURSTING INTO MY ROOM SAYING THAT WHAT I HAD WITNESSED WAS JUST A "QUIRK IN HIS PERSONALITY, nothing serious, nothing to worry about!" In fact, she blamed me for the whole thing, saying that I had somehow provoked this personality quirk of his. I looked her straight in the eye and said, "That's not a personality quirk, he's not 'just like that'!--That's the Devil!" But she refused to listen.

THEN, AFTER DEBORAH LEFT, BILL HIMSELF CAME INTO THE ROOM! He sat down rather calmly, almost subdued, and said, "Well, you probably think I'm crazy, but that's just the way I am and you just don't understand."

THEN HE STARTED TO SAY CRAZY THINGS LIKE, "WHAT WOULD YOU THINK IF I TOLD YOU THAT I'M MORE IN LOVE WITH THE DAUGHTER THAN WITH THE MOTHER?"--He'd never even had a conversation with me in the whole time I'd been there, much less confided in me about anything, and now he started to rattle on about his relationship with Deborah's oldest daughter, Joy, saying that he had been the first one to have sexual relations with her when she was around 12 or 13 years old.--He was bragging about it!

I WAS ABSOLUTELY SICKENED BY HIS SORDID STORY OF HIS SORDID ROMANCE WITH LITTLE JOY! He looked just like the kind of creep that would take advantage of a young, very emotional little girl! But I was not nearly as sick as I got when he admitted that he had actually forced her to make love to him, and that he had continued to force himself on Joy and had her in complete emotional bondage to himself.

THIS IS ONE REASON THAT IT JUST MADE ME FURIOUS TO SEE HIM ON THAT VIDEO OF THAT RELIGIOUS TALK SHOW, THE HYPOCRITE THAT HE IS, the pervert that he is, the liar that he is, the violent man that he is, self-righteously trying to tell the conservative Christians of America his version of the truth about our Family and Dad and Dad's supposed sexual sins--when he himself is a child rapist!--A serious crime in most societies and something that would be considered a very serious crime in our Family, worthy of total, immediate excommunication!

THE STORIES OF BILL'S CHILD BEATING ARE TOO NUMEROUS TO EVEN RELATE HERE, BUT THERE ARE MANY WITNESSES to his frequent throwing of his children, including his little two-year-old boy, Alexander, completely across the room as hard as he could, watching them bounce off the wall and then forbidding them to cry! Bill would then burst out laughing with a woman's laugh, like a shrill cackle, a heinous laugh of just pure pleasure at seeing a little child in pain!

I MYSELF WAS A WITNESS TO IT ONCE and I got so angry that I picked up the helpless little boy and told Bill, "Don't you ever do that to this child or any of the children again!" But Deborah didn't even reprimand him or say a thing! I remember thinking at the time, "She's crazy too! She lets him do it!" Apparently her sordid love for him caused her to permit his violence and outbursts of rage!

HE ONCE TOOK HIS OWN LITTLE BABY GIRL, ALEXANDRA, WHO WAS 5 OR 6 MONTHS OLD, and THREW HER INTO THE DEEP END OF THE SWIMMING POOL, standing on the side and watching her sink to the bottom, cackling, "Let's see if she can swim!" He then threw his head back and laughed very shrilly and hysterically, making no move at all to retrieve her! Thank God someone else jumped into the water and managed to pull the baby out and save her from drowning!

SUCH BEHAVIOUR COULD ONLY BE THE ACT OF A COMPLETE, DEMON-POSSESSED LUNATIC! And the point that I want to make clear here is that Deborah herself condoned his actions by the mere fact that she never did anything to stop him! In spite of our warnings and admonitions that she and her children were in danger and that he was demon-possessed, she would hear none of it, but even watched her children being beaten by him! And if on occasion her motherly instinct forced her to step in and try to stop him, she never did anything to really stop him, such as leaving him or getting rid of him! So she is the real culprit because she knowingly permitted, allowed and therefore condoned his cruelty and violence!

SO IF ANYONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT A JIM JONES, LET'S TALK ABOUT BILL DAVIS!--Someone who found great pleasure in inflicting pain on people, especially women and children! He beat his own children till they were black and blue, actually punching them in the face! And he was a child rapist on top of it! So how he can so piously and righteously accuse us of any moral or sexual sins when he himself is such a pervert and guilty of so many real crimes, I just don't know!

Continue on to final testimonials and closing comments by David Berg

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family International

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