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Investigation of the Apostle Paul -- Part 1

See also Part 2

St. Paul was without doubt the greatest missionary in the Early Church, a man who won more eternal souls to the Lord than almost anyone who has ever lived! How did he do it? By totally dedicating his life to God and giving his all to preach the Gospel! -- And great is his reward in Heaven!

You can read the exciting life story of St. Paul in the "Book of Acts," written by LUKE, the same Apostle who also wrote "The Gospel of St. Luke"! And as you read Paul's adventures, you will notice that he suffered a great deal of persecution during his many missionary travels. In almost every city he went to preach the Good News about Jesus, there were bitter, jealous enemies who opposed and persecuted him!

You and I realise, of course, that Paul was obeying God and doing good in preaching the Gospel, and that it was his enemies who were in the wrong. Yet, what if St. Paul were still alive today and applied for membership in certain modern-day churches, and the church leaders decided to make a careful investigation of his life before they accepted him! Imagine this investigator talking to Paul's ENEMIES and reading their reports and getting their opinions first! -- and then, with a totally biased and prejudiced frame of mind, reading over St. Paul's missionary adventures in the Bible!

How different these familiar and well-loved Bible stories would look if viewed from the critical and distorted viewpoint of Paul's bitter enemies! What kind of a report would that investigator write?! Well, it could very well look something like this ...

To: Fredrick B. Goodie
Denominational Supervisor
Church of the Immaculate Reputation
Dear Sir,
You recently informed me that a certain "Apostle" Paul of Tarsus, had applied to become a missionary in our denomination. However, as you had a few reservations about him, you asked me to make a formal investigation into his background.
I am sorry to say this, Sir, but what I have uncovered seems to entirely confirm the suspicions that you had about him. To be frank, I am surprised that he has been able to "pass" as a bona fide missionary this far, as not only does he not meet any of our qualifications, but the information I have come across is an absolute public scandal!
It is true that I spent most of my time talking to his enemies and getting their side of the story, but I want to make it clear, Sir, that my investigation was entirely fair and unbiased. In fact, the most damaging and scandalous information about Paul comes from one of his closest friends! I managed to get hold of a personal letter that his associate Luke had written, called the "Acts of the Apostles," and I'd like to draw your attention to selected portions of this very revealing document:

First of all:

Continued in part 2

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