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Investigation of the Apostle Paul -- Part 2

(Continued from part 1)

Also, consider this:
So much for these lurid facts from LUKE'S letter! Even MORE revealing are personal letters that Paul has written HIMSELF! Here are but a few examples:
Fortunately, almost NONE of the members of OUR fine church ever READ this book, so I doubt if they have been perverted by his erroneous teachings. -- I certainly haven't! And now that I am aware of the worthless kind of ruffians that have written it, I am thankful that I never bothered to take the time to read it! I certainly would not want MY Christianity to be guided by the teachings of such madmen and charlatans!
It hurts me to tell you this, Mr. Goodie, but in all of my 25 years of investigating missionary applicants, I have NEVER come across a man so directly OPPOSITE of what WE require of OUR foreign missionaries! If we accepted Paul, we would break every rule that we have followed for years!
In closing, I would like to recommend that
Sincerely,The Right Reverend Pious Platitudes
Orthodox Investigations Dept.
The Church of Empty Blab

Food for thought

In summary, the main charges that St. Paul's enemies and critics levelled against him were: that he continually created riots, disturbed church services, undermined society, that he was constantly engaged in illegal activities which resulted in repeated imprisonment, and was some kind of a criminal always on the run from the legal authorities. -- All lies!

All these accusations levelled against ST. PAUL sound STRANGELY FAMILIAR to the accusations and lies that are sometimes told about US, don't they? We have been accused of being "a menace to society", of being "fanatics" who are opposed to the government, the church and educational institutions. We've been called "an illegal sect" which seeks to undermine the moral values of society! -- Exactly what PAUL'S AND JESUS' accusers said about THEM! -- All LIES of the Devil!

On and on go their ridiculous accusations: According to them, we are criminals who are trying to evade the law, rebels bent on disturbing the peace and creating disorder. Because some of our missionaries have at times been imprisoned for preaching the Gospel in "closed countries", they howl that we must have been doing something illegal! They even go so far as to say that we don't even believe in God or the Bible! Can you IMAGINE such an accusation?! Nothing could be FURTHER from the truth, as you who know us WELL can certainly testify! -- These are all DEVILISH LIES!

As we say, all of these accusations against US sound like the same lies that PAUL'S enemies brought against HIM! -- And the REASON for this is because WE'RE doing the same thing as PAUL did: We are FULL-TIME, ACTIVE missionaries who have dedicated our lives to winning the World with the Love of Jesus, just like Paul did! So of course, we suffer the SAME kind of persecution that HE suffered from the SAME kind of bitter, jealous, hypocritical enemies! Jesus said, "A STUDENT is not greater than his TEACHER. A SERVANT is not above his MASTER. The student shares his teacher's fate. The servant shares his master's! And since I, the Master of the household, have been called 'Satan', how much more will YOU! But don't be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when the Truth will be revealed: Their secret plots will become public information." (Matthew 10:24-26)

St. Paul, along with St. Peter, were the two greatest Apostles and founding fathers of the Christian Church! Could it be wrong then to follow their examples? NO! In fact, Paul even SAID, "Be ye followers of ME, even as I also am of CHRIST!" (1Corinthians 11:1) -- So we are following Paul's example! -- And with the SAME motives and for the SAME reasons: To share God's Love with others! It should hardly be surprising then, that our enemies lie about US just like the Apostles' enemies lied about THEM. Jesus said, "BLESSED are you when you are REVILED and PERSECUTED and LIED about for My sake! Remember, the PROPHETS were persecuted TOO!" (Matthew 5:11) -- Are YOU persecuted for Jesus' sake?

Positive builders I stood on the streets of a busy town,
Watching men tearing a building down:
With a "Ho, heave ho!" and a lusty yell
They swung a beam and a building fell. I asked the foreman of the crew,
"Are these men here WRECKING just as SKILLED
As those you'd hire if you wanted to BUILD?
"Ah no," he said, "oh no indeed!
Just COMMON labour is all I need.
I could tear down as much in ONE DAY, if I willed,
As would take SKILLED men a YEAR to BUILD!" And then I thought as I went on my way,
Just which of these roles do I really play?
Have I walked along life's road with CARE?
Are my words about others TRUE and FAIR? Or am I a WRECKER who roams the town,
Enjoying the labour of tearing men down?
A good thing to remember, and a better thing to do;
Is to work with the CONSTRUCTION gang and NOT the WRECKING crew!

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