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The Magic River of Life!

Compiled from the teachings of David Brandt Berg


THE GREAT HEAVENLY SPACE CITY, THE WONDERFUL PLACE THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR ALL OF HIS CHILDREN, is on its way down from outer space to Earth right now! The bottom of this gigantic, pyramid-shaped Magic City will stand upon the Earth 1500 miles long, 1500 miles wide, and its peak will reach way into space, 1500 miles high!

IT WILL BE THE CAPITAL CITY OF THE COMING KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ON EARTH, and from it, Jesus and all of God's saved children will lovingly rule over the billions of people who will be living outside the City on the beautifully recreated, Garden-of-Eden-like Earth!

THE BIBLE EVEN TELLS US WHAT THE INSIDE OF THIS GREAT HEAVENLY CITY IS LIKE, as some of God's Prophets were lifted up in the Spirit and taken there to see it. One of the most amazing of its wonders which the Bible tells us about is the Magical River of Life! After visiting there in the Spirit, the Apostle John wrote:

"AND HE SHEWED ME A PURE RIVER OF WATER OF LIFE, CLEAR AS GLASS, COMING OUT FROM THE THRONE OF GOD and OF THE LAMB (JESUS). And in the middle of the river and on either side of it, there was the Tree of Life, which bare twelve kinds of fruits, and gave its fruit every month: and the leaves of the Tree were for the healing of the nations." (Rev.22:1,2)

IN SOME PLACES THE HEAVENLY CITY IS LIKE A BEAUTIFUL PARK, and this wonderful River of Life is going to flow right through its center! And there are going to be beautiful, magical, Heavenly trees growing in the middle of it and on both sides of it! -- So there must be some little islands in the middle of this beautiful river! These Heavenly trees will bear twelve different kinds of fruit, a different kind every month!

JUST THINK HOW THRILLING IT WOULD BE TO TAKE A HEAVENLY BOAT RIDE ALONG THAT MAGICAL RIVER OF LIFE! -- What a beautiful, quiet way to see many of the amazing sights and wonders of the great Heavenly City!

IT COULD ALSO BE A VERY ROMANTIC WAY TO SPEND TIME WITH A LOVED ONE as you glide peacefully along! -- And as this great Magic River passes under the Wall of the City and flows out to water the whole World, you could also take a longer trip through the beautiful renewed Earth outside if you wish!

BECAUSE IT REALLY IS A MAGIC RIVER WITHIN THIS GREAT MAGICAL CITY, I don't think you'd even have to have oars or boatmen or anything! -- You could just glide along by God's Own Power! Wouldn't that be fun?! Heaven is going to be such a happy place, full of beautiful people having a beautiful time! -- Like those happy people on the cover of this poster!

AND WHAT DO YOU THINK THOSE "TREES OF LIFE" ARE, WHOSE "LEAVES ARE FOR THE HEALING OF THE NATIONS"? The Bible tells us that all of God's saved children will have miraculous, resurrected, super-bodies at this time -- just like Jesus' body after He was resurrected! He could appear or disappear, walk right through walls, and fly from one place to another with the speed of thought! -- And with our new bodies, we'll be able to.

THE BIBLE EVEN SAYS THAT FOR ALL OF GOD'S CHILDREN WHO HAVE THEIR NEW BODIES and LIVE WITH HIM INSIDE THE CITY, there will be no more tears, sorrow, sickness, or death! But if there's not going to be any more pain or sickness, then why do the leaves of the Trees have to be used for the healing of the nations? -- What nations?

WELL, THE BIBLE SAYS THAT THERE WILL STILL BE "KINGS and NATIONS" OUTSIDE THE CITY. (Rev.21:24-26) So there will be people outside on the beautiful renewed Earth who will not have the same kind of super powerful resurrection bodies that the saved saints inside will have. -- The Earth people will still need some kind of healing.

SO GOD IS GOING TO HAVE MERCY and SHOW HIS LOVE TO THEM by sending His supernatural saints out of the twelve gigantic pearly gates of the Heavenly City with the leaves from the Tree of Life for their healing! -- We who love the Lord and are saved are the ones who get the leaves for them, because we will live inside that wonderful City! (Rev.21:27) What a wonderful, thrilling and exciting job that will be, just like our work today of bringing God's Love and Salvation and leaflets of His Truth to those who don't yet know Him!

BUT WHY WAIT UNTIL THEN TO RECEIVE HIS LOVE, SALVATION and HEALING, WHEN YOU CAN FIND IT RIGHT HERE and NOW! -- Then you'll be sure to have a place within that great Heavenly City, as it is the eternal Heavenly Home of all those who receive Jesus and are "born again" by His Spirit of Love! (Jn.3:3)

YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL YOU ENTER THE HEAVENLY CITY TO ENJOY HIS WATERS OF LIFE! Jesus said, "Whoever will drink of the water that I give him shall never thirst; But the water that I give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life!" (Jn.4:14)

JESUS LOVINGLY CALLS TO YOU, "COME! LET HIM THAT HEARETH, COME! AND LET HIM THAT IS THIRSTY, COME! And whoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely!" (Rev.22:17) Do you thirst for God's wonderful, Heavenly Waters of Life? His Love and Salvation and Eternal Life are all free! -- All you have to do is pray and ask Jesus to come into your heart, and He and all He wants to give you is yours for the asking! His love, mercy and forgiveness are as "waters to swim in"! (Ezk.47:5) So dive in and enjoy Him and them now!

JUST PRAY THIS SIMPLE PRAYER and ETERNAL LIFE, HAPPINESS and LOVE WILL BE YOURS: "Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all my sins. I believe You died for me and that You are the Son of God. I now open the door of my heart and I ask You, Jesus, to please come in and give me Your free gift of eternal life. Help me to love You and to love others by telling them about You and Your Love. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."


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