A Heavenly Picnic!

Compiled from the teachings of David Brandt Berg

HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO ON THE PERFECT PICNIC?--In a beautiful park or country area where there are no ants, no flies, no mosquitoes or any other insect pests!--Where there is always perfect weather, never too hot, cold, cloudy, bright and with no rain or storms!--Where you are always perfectly safe, with no poisonous snakes, spiders, thorns, stickers, itchy grass, poisonous plants or pollution to trouble you!--A place where you can be perfectly free to enjoy yourself and each other to the full--with no noisy, nosey, unfriendly, unwanted guests!

WELL, THE TIME IS COMING WHEN SUCH A PICNIC WILL BE POSSIBLE!--Because according to God's Word in the Bible, this is how the entire Earth will be when God's great Heavenly Space City arrives from Outer Space! The Bible tells us that this great, golden, pyramid-shaped City will stand upon the Earth a gigantic 1500 miles long, 1500 miles wide and 1500 miles high! (Rev.21:16)

THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF THE EARTH WILL BE CLEANSED and RECREATED into a beautiful New Earth like the Garden of Eden! (Rev.21:1) The Curse that came upon man and the Earth when man fell into sin will be completely removed, and all of the cursed and poisonous pests and plants shall be no more! (Rev.22:3) God's creation will at last be at perfect peace and beautiful harmony with itself, and all of the animals will be the friends of man and each other, as God originally made things to be in the very beginning!

BUT YOU CAN'T REALLY APPRECIATE HOW WONDERFUL THIS HEAVENLY PICNIC WILL BE UNLESS YOU FIRST KNOW HOW WONDERFUL YOU WILL BE WHEN YOU GET THERE! When Jesus comes back soon, all of God's saved children will receive new super-bodies that will fly up from off the Earth to meet Him in the clouds! (1Th.4:16,17)

JESUS SAID WE ARE GOING TO HAVE BODIES LIKE HIS BODY WAS AFTER HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD! (Phil.3:21; 1Jn.3:2) He could appear or disappear, walk right through walls or locked doors, and fly from one place to another with the speed of thought! (Jn.20:19; Lk.24:30,31,51)--And with our new bodies, we'll be able to do the same!

OUR NEW BODIES ARE GOING TO BE ABLE TO ENJOY ALL THE FUN THINGS and PLEASURES THAT OUR EARTHLY BODIES ENJOY NOW! (Lk.24:36-44; Jn.21:9-13) And in our wonderful, new, supernatural bodies we'll be able to eat and drink and be merry, make love and enjoy all of the pleasures of this present life!--But we'll be able to enjoy all of these things to the full!

WE WON'T HAVE TO EAT TO SURVIVE, BUT WE'LL BE ABLE TO EAT JUST FOR PURE PLEASURE! And There, we'll be able to just pick all of the natural foods and fruits right off the trees and eat them without having to wash or cook them, as there won't be any bugs, worms, pests, pesticides or poisons!

WE'LL ENJOY ALL OF THE PLEASURES OF PARADISE JUST AS ADAM and EVE DID IN THE FIRST GARDEN OF EDEN!--Of course, we won't have to make love or have sex, but we can if we want to! And we won't have to take scenic strolls and walks through the park, but we can if we want to! And we'll be able to do a lot of other things that we can't do now!--Like all of these Heavenly flyers in the picture!

AND IF WE'RE GOING TO BE ENJOYING LOVE and ROMANCE and LOVE-MAKING IN HEAVEN--just like the angels did with the beautiful young women on Earth before the Flood--why shouldn't we have children there too? (Gen.6:2,4) Think of it, they'll be born right in Heaven! The Lord told me that that's why there's so much extra space in that gigantic Heavenly City, so the population can grow!

THE INSIDE OF THE HEAVENLY CITY IS MOSTLY BEAUTIFUL PARKS, WOODLANDS and COUNTRYSIDE, not just a bunch of crowded ugly buildings like most cities today! Most of the ground floor of this 1500-mile-high pyramid is like the Heavenly New Earth outside of its walls.--Only even better and more beautiful!

FOR INSPIRATION and ENTERTAINMENT, WE'LL ENJOY ALL KINDS OF BEAUTIFUL, HEAVENLY MUSIC THERE! We'll have the greatest choirs, choruses and symphony orchestras that the World has ever known!--Playing Heavenly music on Heavenly instruments with singers and sounds that will be truly out of this World!

AND FROM WHAT I'VE SEEN IN VISION, EVERYONE THERE WILL BE CLOTHED IN BEAUTIFUL, SPARKLING, WHITE ROBES OF LIGHT! They are quite see-through, beautifully revealing the natural beauty of the human form! And of course, these robes of light will never need changing, washing, mending, ironing or anything like that! (Rev.19:8)

AND WHO KNOWS, MAYBE WE'LL EVEN HAVE FLYING SAUCERS FOR GROUP TOURS!--Or so we can share some of the sights and wonders of the City with the folks who live outside on the New Earth, who won't be able to fly like those on the inside.

BECAUSE ONLY THE SAVED WILL BE ABLE TO ENJOY THE GREATEST BLESSINGS OF GOD BY BEING ABLE TO LIVE FOREVER WITH THE LORD INSIDE OF HIS GREAT HEAVENLY CITY! But outside the City on the surface of the New Earth, the Bible says there will be whole nations of unsaved people who have been raised from the dead. (Rev.21:24-26) Those within the City will help and heal those outside, lovingly teaching them the ways of the Lord. (Rev.22:2)

ONE OF THE MOST WONDERFUL THINGS ABOUT OUR HEAVENLY PICNIC and OUR COMING LIFE THERE IS THAT IT WILL NEVER END! We're going to enjoy each other and the Lord and all of His Heavenly wonders forever!--With no more pain, sickness, sorrows, tears, sin, evil or death!--Only love and laughter and peace ever after! Will you be there?!

YOU CAN BE!--IF YOU'LL JUST RECEIVE JESUS INTO YOUR HEART BY PRAYING THIS SIMPLE PRAYER: "Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all my sins. I believe that You are the Son of God and that You died for me, and I now open the door of my heart and ask You, Jesus, to please come in and give me Your free Gift of eternal Heavenly life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family