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The Invasion of Planet Earth!

Based on the teachings of David Brandt Berg

Jesus returns to take back His property from the Devil and his men!

WHEN THE ASTRONOMERS FIRST DISCOVERED THE STRANGE OBJECT RACING THROUGH DISTANT SPACE towards our solar system, a great deal of excitement and controversy arose within the scientific community! And though the experts were undecided and uncertain about what it was, they were agreed on where it was heading.--Directly towards Earth!

AS THE WEEKS PASSED and IT DREW NEARER, many of the scientists whose powerful telescopes and computers were tracking it, became convinced that it was on a collision course with our planet! The One-World Government hastily targetted the bulk of its long-range nuclear missiles towards this fast-approaching heavenly body, preparing to either destroy or divert it before it destroyed the World! However, to their relief and amazement, it slowed down, and finally stopped at a safe distance from the Earth!

PEOPLE WERE FILLED WITH WONDER BY THIS INCREDIBLE VISITOR FROM AFAR, as it now hovered in the sky, rising and setting on the horizon like the moon! Within this great blue sphere could be seen the golden-glowing shape of a gigantic pyramid, which the astronomers estimated to be 1500 miles wide, long and high! This glowing form was particularly clear and easy to see in the dark of the night sky. The World Government urged its people not to panic, reminding them that they still had enough nuclear warheads targetted on it to blast it out of the heavens if it drew nearer!

BESIDES, THE SITUATION ON EARTH BELOW HAD REACHED SUCH A CRISIS that few people had time to give much thought to what was happening in the sky above! A series of freak disasters and plagues had struck the World and its people, particularly in the nations and cities that were loyal to the World Government and its powerful leader. Terrible earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, scorching heat and extreme water shortages around the Globe had left millions dead and dying!

AND NOW THE REBEL FORCES FROM THE NATIONS THAT HAD REVOLTED AGAINST THE ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT were gathered together for a military showdown with the World Government's main army. As the millions of soldiers met in central Israel, the largest and most brutal battle ever fought began! The forces of those who opposed the World Government were vastly outnumbered by the World Government's heavily armed and tightly disciplined fighting forces.--And it wasn't long until it looked like the rebels would soon be defeated and destroyed!

IT WAS THEN, AT THIS DECISIVE MOMENT IN WORLD HISTORY, THAT THE INVADERS ATTACKED! As far as the eye could see, a glowing stream seemed to be pouring out of the gigantic Pyramid above! Surely and steadily the stream or cloud emerging from this gigantic Space Vehicle broadened and expanded as it neared the Earth, until soon the entire sky was filled!

AS THE INVADERS ENTERED THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE, HUNDREDS OF NUCLEAR-ARMED MISSILES WERE FIRED AT THE INVADERS IMMEDIATELY BEGAN KILLING THE MILLIONS OF CRUEL FORCES OF THE WORLD GOVERNMENT that were assembled there! Never before in the history of the World had there been such a slaughter! Realising that they could neither kill nor wound these alien attackers, the Government forces panicked and retreated in terror--but none of those who belonged to the World Government were able to escape these super-human attackers!

FROM THIS FOCAL POINT IN ISRAEL, THE INVADERS, NOW NUMBERING IN THE BILLIONS, fanned out, encircling the entire Earth! Every individual who had sworn their allegiance and loyalty to the leader of the One-World Government was sought out and destroyed!--Until finally, when all opposing forces were eliminated, the Head of the invasion and His powerful forces took over the Earth, forever ending wicked men's rule of this planet!

LIKE A GIANT SPACE STATION, the blue Sphere with its golden Pyramid drew closer in the sky, hovering high above the Earth's surface while the Earth revolved beneath it! It served as a "Mother-Ship" or base in Space for the billions of invaders who frequently flew back and forth to this wonder floating in the heavens!

THIS SHOCKING LOOK INTO THE FUTURE IS NOT TAKEN FROM A SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE OR BOOK, BUT FROM THE BIBLE! For according to countless prophecies throughout the Scriptures, we are now living in the "Time of the End" (Dan.12:4), the final days of Man's cruel rule on Earth!--And this incredible invasion will take place very soon! (Rev.19:11-21)

BUT FIRST, THE BIBLE PREDICTS THAT A ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT headed by a powerful Devil-possessed dictator known as the Antichrist will arise and take over the World! (Dan.8:23-25 and 11:21-45) After the first 3-1/2 years of his 7-year reign, he will suddenly declare that he is God, demanding that the World worship him and his magical talking Image, and be branded in their foreheads or hands with his soul-damning "Mark of the Beast" credit number, 666, without which no one will be able to buy or sell!--They could even be killed! (Rev.13!)

THIS WILL BRING ON THE WORST PERIOD OF TRIAL and TRIBULATION THAT THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN!--Entire nations of devout believers in God will rebel and war against the World Government at this point, refusing to bow down to its Satanic leader or receive his Mark! This last 3-1/2 years of the Antichrist's reign is known as the "Great Tribulation"! (Dan.12:1; Mat.24:15-21)

IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS LAST 3-1/2 YEARS, JESUS CHRIST WILL RETURN "in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory!" (Mat.24:29-31), to rescue and resurrect all of those who love Him! His children from all ages will then rise from the Earth in powerful, immortal resurrection super-bodies, and will then fly away with the Lord to a great Victory Celebration in His wonderful Heavenly Space City!--This beautiful golden pyramid-shaped City of God which Jesus will bring with Him and will be floating near Earth when He returns! (Rev.19:6-9; 21-All)

WHILE ALL OF GOD'S SAVED CHILDREN ARE ENJOYING A HEAVENLY PARTY in His Heavenly City, the wicked forces of the Antichrist will suffer Hell on Earth!--As God pours out His horrible judgements on them and socks it to all of the Antichrist's followers who cruelly persecuted and tribulated His children! (See Rev.16!)

EVEN AFTER SUFFERING GOD'S JUDGEMENTS and WRATH, the wicked of the World will still refuse to repent or turn to God, but will hate and curse Him all the more! (Rev.16:9,11) The armies of the Satanic Antichrist will then gather in Israel in the Valley of Jezreel around the Height of Megiddo, or "Armageddon", to war against the armies of the nations that oppose him! (Rev.16:12-16) It is at this time that the Lord and His billions of resurrected Saints will come flying down to Earth on powerful white Heavenly horses to destroy the Antichrist and all of his wicked forces and worshippers, and to rescue those who are fighting against him! (Rev.19:11-21)

THE LORD and HIS RESURRECTED SAINTS, HIS SAVED CHILDREN OF ALL AGES, will then work together with all of those on Earth who survived this horrific Battle of Armageddon, to rebuild a new and better World, setting up the Kingdom of God on Earth! Jesus and His children will rule the World fairly, justly and in love. At last His Kingdom will come and His Will will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven! (Rev.20:4,6)

ARE YOU ONE OF THE LORD'S SAVED CHILDREN WHO WILL RISE TO MEET JESUS IN THE CLOUDS when He soon returns to rescue His Own and take them to His wonderful Space City? Will you return to Earth with the Lord to help "destroy them that destroyed the Earth" (Rev.11:18), and to set up the loving Kingdom of God on Earth?--Or will you reject Jesus and become a part of the Antichrist's kingdom of Hell on Earth that will be destroyed? You can become a part of God's Heavenly Kingdom right now by simply praying this little prayer and receiving Jesus:

"LORD JESUS, I BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD and that You died for me. Please forgive me for all my sins. I ask You, dear Jesus, to please come into my heart and give me Your free Gift of Eternal Life! Help me to love You and to love others by telling them about You and Your Love.--In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!"

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