What Heaven is really like

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Heaven 2x1 Heaven 2x2

THE PLACE WHERE ALL OF GOD'S CHILDREN ARE GOING TO LIVE WITH THE LORD FOREVER IS NOT SOME FANCY DREAMLAND WAY OFF IN OUTER SPACE SOMEWHERE, but an even more amazing Dream City that's going to come down from God, out of space, to a beautiful New Earth!--And God is going to come down and live with us, and we with Him, in that Heavenly City! (Rev.21:1-3)

HEAVEN IS REAL!--Millions and billions of God's children who have already died and gone on to be with the Lord are already enjoying this wonderful, gigantic, golden City of Love which is on its way to Earth now! It is a real place, our final Home, where everyone who loves the Lord is going to enjoy Heaven on Earth forever!

BUT I DON'T THINK YOU COULD REALLY UNDERSTAND JUST HOW WONDERFUL HEAVEN WILL BE UNLESS YOU FIRST KNOW HOW WONDERFUL YOU WILL BE WHEN YOU GET THERE!--When Jesus comes back soon, all of God's saved children will receive new super-bodies that will fly up from off the Earth to meet Him in the clouds! (1Th.4:16,17)

WE'LL BE LIKE JESUS WAS WHEN HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD!--He said we are going to have bodies like His! (Phil.3:21; 1Jn.3:2) After He came back from the grave, He could appear or disappear, walk right through walls or locked doors and fly from one place to another with the speed of thought!--And with even more power than the angels of God! (Jn.20:26)

SO IN SOME WAYS OUR WONDERFUL SUPER-BODIES OF THE FUTURE WILL BE MUCH DIFFERENT and more powerful than the Earthly bodies we have now.--But in other ways they will be very much the same.

WHEN JESUS CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD, HE STILL LOOKED LIKE HIMSELF, STILL FELT LIKE HIMSELF, and COULD STILL EAT, DRINK, COOK and EVEN LOVE and BE LOVED! He said to His disciples, "Touch Me! Feel Me! See that it is I! A spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have!" (Lk.24:39) So our new Heavenly bodies are going to be able to enjoy all the fun things and pleasures that our Earthly bodies enjoy here and now!

IT WAS GOD WHO CREATED THE SIMPLE PLEASURES and JOYS OF LIFE FOR US TO ENJOY! He made our bodies and our senses to be able to look upon and enjoy things which are beautiful, to taste things which are delicious, to hear beautiful music, to feel nice things that we touch and to smell the beautiful perfume of a flower or even of a delicious meal that is cooking! I think it would be kind of silly for God to just throw away all these wonderful things He made for us to enjoy!

I BELIEVE THAT WE'LL ENJOY ALL OF THE SAME PLEASURES IN HEAVEN THAT WE ENJOY HERE ON THIS EARTH!--In our new, powerful, wonderful, supernatural bodies we'll be able to eat and drink and be merry, have fun, make love and enjoy all of the pleasures of this present life!--But in our new bodies we will be able to enjoy all of these things to the full!--Even more than we do here!

SO EVEN THOUGH WE DON'T KNOW JUST EXACTLY WHAT EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE LIKE IN HEAVEN, WE DO KNOW THAT IT'S GOING TO BE EVEN BETTER THAN IT IS TODAY!--A beautiful Heaven-on-Earth without sin, without wickedness, without trouble, without weariness, pain, sickness or problems. Praise God!

AND IF WE'RE GOING TO BE ENJOYING SEX and LOVE-MAKING IN HEAVEN, JUST LIKE THE ANGELS DID WITH THE BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMEN ON EARTH BEFORE THE FLOOD, WHY SHOULDN'T WE HAVE CHILDREN THERE TOO? (Gen.6:2,4) Think of it, they'll be born right in Heaven! I was thinking about it one day, wondering why the Lord made so much extra room in that gigantic Heavenly City, so I asked, "Lord, what do You need so much room for?" And He said, "Who said there wasn't going to be more people born there?"

ONE OF THE GREATEST PLEASURES OF LIFE IS HAVING CHILDREN and watching them grow! And in Heaven there'll be no pain, no sickness, no weariness, no problems of any kind for the pregnant mommies or for the babies! And the children will all grow up in a perfect, safe and beautiful place where there will be no dangers and no strangers!--Everyone is going to be so good and loving and kind and helpful and gentle and tender, really loving the Lord and caring for each other! It will be beautiful!

AND JUST IMAGINE HOW WONDERFUL OUR HOMES WILL BE there inside that gigantic golden Heavenly City! Jesus said, "In My Father's House are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also!" (Jn.14:2,3)

ONE OF THESE DAYS YOU'RE GOING TO OWN A MANSION WHICH JESUS HIMSELF HAS PREPARED JUST FOR YOU!--Where you and all of your brothers and sisters and loves and loved ones can live and love and enjoy the Lord and each other and His wonderful gift of eternal life forever!--Wow! Won't that be wonderful?

ARE YOU READY FOR HEAVEN?--Is there a mansion waiting there for you? If you're not sure, all you have to do is receive Jesus into your heart, then you'll know that that Heavenly City is your eternal Home too! "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord." Jesus promised, "Behold, I stand at the door (of your heart), and knock: If any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to Him!" (Rev.3:20)

JUST PRAY THIS SIMPLE PRAYER and JESUS WILL COME INTO YOUR HEART RIGHT NOW: "Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all my sins. I believe that You are the Son of God and that You died for me. I now open the door of my heart and I ask You, Jesus, to please come in and give me Your free gift of eternal life. Help me to love You and to love others by telling them about You and Your Love. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

GOD BLESS YOU WITH HIS LOVE HERE and NOW and A WONDERFUL LIFE WITH HIM FOREVER IN THAT BEAUTIFUL HEAVENLY CITY! We love you and would be happy to send you more beautiful posters and Heavenly information if you'll write us at the address below!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family