
God's Space

The Inspirations of His Creations!

Excerpted from "Love Doves" by David Brandt Berg

It's so inspiring to watch God's beautiful creation and creatures out the window!--To see how well-organised the Lord's creations are, how peaceful and beautiful! It's so inspiring and comforting to know all is well in God's beautiful creation! It makes you trust in Him. When He takes such good care of all His creation, you know He'll take good care of us too!

Get a good view of God's wonderful creations and they'll be a wonderful encouragement to you, even if it's only a flower box in your window.--But if it's a garden it's even better. Two cute little swallows are sitting side by side on the wire, they have a nest nearby. It's wonderful how the Lord takes care of them and they help take care of themselves. We don't do a thing for them, all we do is love them and not bother them. We do provide places for them to nest and we do help protect them, but they feed themselves and take care of their babies, build their own nests and do a good job of eating as many bugs as they can. And they're very clever acrobatic fliers! It's just amazing to me how those swallows can fly at full speed right through a tiny hole or crack into their nests!

All God's creation is built to have life and love! Only Man has brought death and cruelty. But thank the Lord, God is winning, and if you just give them a chance, His creations are thriving, if people will just leave them alone. Or in some cases, domesticated creatures need a little provision, maybe a little shelter and just a little bit of food and safe protection, and they take care of the rest of it themselves.

Wow! You should see the doves circling so beautifully! Everything is so lively and full of life! You can tell they're really enjoying that! They're all enjoying living, so why shouldn't we? Just give God a chance and you'll enjoy living too because you're His creation and His child, and best of all, you can help others enjoy living also. That's the way the Lord intended for us to live--like those doves, flying high and free and enjoying God's creation and each others' fellowship. They always fly together. They're just beautiful! That's why I love the doves!

Love Doves! They're such a symbol of His Love and His Holy Spirit and peace and beauty and His tender loving care! Are you one of His Love Doves enjoying His life and love? Be a Love Dove for Jesus! Enjoy His Love forever and share His Love with others. The doves can't live without love and sharing it together. They always fly together and they have lots of lovey little babies together. If you just provide a place for them to live and love, they'll love you forever. Like the Lord does for us: He provides a place for us to live and all we need, and all He wants us to do is love Him forever and help others to love Him too, and to be like Him, and provide for them a place to live and love and serve Him and others.

Be a Love Dove for Jesus! They do no one any harm, they just make the World beautiful and fill it full of peace and love and beauty and thrill our hearts with the beauty of God's creation! Let's do the same for others, let's be Love Doves for the Lord!--The Lord's Love Doves, in Jesus' name! Amen. Such a simple little parable. It's amazing how much the Lord can give you if you'll just look at His Love and His loves and His tender loving care for all His Love Doves! Are you one? Be a Love Dove for the Lord and you'll last forever!

I wondered why I've always been so thrilled by doves, flying and circling overhead, cooing, making love and having babies. They're such a wonderful example of us and the way we should be, flying high above the World in God's beautiful creation and enjoying it and nesting in His Love and care and creating more doves for Him! All through the Bible they were an example of love and peace and safety and even His Holy Spirit, the tender loving Mother like a dove! (See Psa.55:6 ; SoS.2:14 ; Mat.3:16 .)

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