The Scofield Bible & "There's the Enemy" Story

Scofield's false teaching of making a difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven

By David Brandt Berg - January, 1985
Cyrus Scofield

Scofield tries to make a difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven and says that some Christians belong to the Kingdom of God, others belong to the Kingdom of Heaven, some will be raptured at certain times, others will be raptured later, blah blah! Just because Matthew usually says Kingdom of Heaven, and the other Gospel for the same story, the same analogy, the very same Words of Jesus say Kingdom of God, Scofield cooks up this false doctrine of making a difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God!--Of all the lies! Of all the twisting of the Scriptures!

That Scofield Bible makes me so mad! It is diabolical! I think sometimes it's absolutely of the Devil, certainly that doctrine and some of his other doctrines were. About the only thing he was straight on was eternal salvation, and that's probably the only reason God had mercy on that Bible and let it be distributed and circulated like it was. He even compromised with evolution in his introduction and said, "It's possible the days might have been aeons of time and according to what the archaeologists and geologists say, possibly it wasn't really six days, maybe it was millions of years instead," blah blah!--Right in the Scofield Bible!

No wonder the pastor of the biggest Baptist church in all of metropolitan Miami stood up and stomped out of that meeting where I was addressing all those Christian businessmen! They invited me to speak on evolution because our evolution fight was headlines in the newspaper and my picture was in it and everything else and I was a hot potato! Preachers will do anything to get a crowd, even at a businessman's luncheon, so I was invited to speak, and boy, I blasted'm, I'll tell you! I really socked it to'm about evolution! I went right down the line.

And then I finally asked, "How many of you are going to go to the school board with me and stand up with me as being against this book and against Evolution?" Three old men stood up, dear old white-haired Gospel preachers, old-fashioned preachers of the Gospel!--And they're the only ones that showed up at the school board meeting, they kept their word and they came! Out of at least 300 Christian preachers and businessmen, only three!--One out of 100! That's how rare the saints of God are, the real saints!

But the biggest Baptist preacher in the whole city, who had a huge Baptist church of about 3,000 members, he stood up--a great big guy, looked like a footballer and probably had been, six-foot-six--and he said, "Well, I don't agree with you and I'll not be there, because I believe in evolution!"--And he stomped out! And as he was walking out, I said, "There's the Enemy, beloved, right there, the traitors in our midst who don't believe the Bible and don't believe God's Word! The traitors and the double-crossers and the connivers and the collaborators with the System! There goes the Enemy!" I was calling a spade a spade! The people practically gasped! I didn't know who he was. They said afterwards, "Brother David, don't you know that that is the pastor of the biggest Protestant church in town?--The pastor of the biggest fundamentalist, evangelical Gospel-preaching Bible-believing Gospel church!"

I said, "I don't care who the hell he is, he's a traitor and a liar and an unbeliever because he doesn't believe in the Word of God! That's where your danger is, there he goes, right there's a traitor!" I actually heard people gasping! "Oh! Ah!" They couldn't believe I would tell the truth like that right before the whole public. I'm glad I did, aren't you? I'll tell you, I think if I'm going to get a pat on the back for anything when I get to Heaven, that may be one of them, for telling the truth about that liar! I doubt if I'll even see him in Heaven unless he got saved since then, I don't know. Anyhow, he believed in eternal salvation, but I don't know if his eternal kind will last that long!

An external web resource that confirms David Berg's statement in the first paragraph: Defining The Kingdom Of Heaven

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family International

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