Is Love against the Law?

--by David Brandt Berg, January 1978
Police man watching a kissing couple and wondering what to do about them!

Whatsoever we do in word or in deed we're to do all to the glory of God and we're to do it all in love. (1Cor.10:31.) If we're keeping God's Law of Love then we'll try not to hurt or offend anybody, we'll do our best to try to live in love, to help people without offending anyone. We can't very well help offending the church, especially the false church, because of its false lies and false doctrines and false laws which are contrary to the law of God.

Jesus himself couldn't please the scribes and the Pharisees no matter what he did.--And they finally hung Him! He offended them no matter what He did, because He preached exactly what I'm preaching right now--that you don't have to keep the so-called Mosaic Law, all you have to do is love.

His doctrine of love just infuriated them! It destroyed their whole church system, destroyed their religious authority. It destroyed their hold on the people, destroyed their power and their control, and their money too by the way, and therefore they were furious at Him because He was destroying them, and destroying their whole false system.

But He went ahead and did it anyway, didn't He? He didn't try to please them on it. He didn't go out of His way to annoy them, but He just went about trying to love people and help people, and if it went against their grain, He couldn't help that. There wasn't anything He could do to please them, nothing, just like us.

God's only law is love, and if what you're doing you're doing in love and you're not hurting any innocent party, then it is perfectly legal for you according to God's Law of Love.

Jesus said the law of love is all the law, as well as all the prophets! (Mt. 22:37-40.) That's pretty broad coverage! That takes in the entire Old Testament, the law and the prophets. David too was a prophet, so that takes in Psalms, and so were Job and Solomon. That takes in all of their poetical books as well, and the rest are all the historical books of the law and the prophets. So Jesus said that's the whole works, the whole Bible, that's all the law--Love.

God's only law is love! There is now no other law, no Mosaic law, no church law, etc. --Those laws are only to regulate the ungodly, as he says in 1Tim.1:9, and by which the unrighteous who are violating the laws of God will be judged.

Love is the most important thing.--The Love of God, unselfish, pure, sacrificial Love, no matter how it's manifested.

We, who are Christians, who have God, who have His love, are no longer under the law. But the sinner who is unsaved, who has rejected Jesus Christ, who does not have God and hasn't got God's Love in his heart, he is still under that law. That's the difference!

The unsaved are still subject to the laws of the Old Testament and the Mosaic Law!--God's rigid strict hard laws of old. They're still subject to those laws because the law, it says as plain as day, is for the ungodly, for the unrighteous and for the lawbreaker! (1Tim.1:9.) So he's still under the law.

But we are free from the law because we have learned love now, which is greater than the law. We have learned love. We have learned to love. We have received love from God, we have love, and this frees us from the laws of Moses. (Rom.8:2.)

If we have love, God's love, and we do everything we do in love, that's better than the law. It covers a lot more territory and is much more strict, but much more sacrificial, much more unselfish than simply obeying the old Mosaic Law just because you want to stay out of trouble or you don't want God to punish you.

Jesus' law of love frees us from that law and is all-encompassing, all-absorbing, all-fulfilling and completely above and beyond any other law. Therefore God's only law is love, and as long as something is done in love, with real unselfish, even sacrificial Love, God's Love, then it is absolutely lawful in God's eyes. No matter whether it be a sin in the eyes of the church and a crime in the eyes of man, it's still absolutely innocent in the eyes of God if it's according to love, amen?

If you love your neighbour as yourself, you'll put yourself in his place, and wonder how you would feel if you were there, and wonder what you would want and need to have fulfilled...Against such love there is no law!--SO LOVE!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family International

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