Heavenly Homes

By David Brandt Berg - October 21, 1974
Life in the millennium
Definition of "blob" in this article:
noun: too many people living in a limited area. Example: New York City, Tokyo, Mexico City, etc.

Blobs are the very basis of the whole accursed world city system, the concentrated commercial whore of Babylonic confusion!--Millions of people bunched up in big-blob cities living off the poor of the land while producing very little that's truly constructive themselves!

Big babylonic blobs of an enormous confusion of people, (e.g. cities), are the epitome of inefficiency, wasted manpower, impersonal, inhuman machines which are too big and unwieldy for anybody to manage well and personally or supervise and scrutinise closely, or produce coordinately and effectively, just like big blob governments who get so big and powerful that no man can possible run them properly!

That's why it's going to take the Devil in the person of the Antichrist, a world superman, to run the world's last super-duper power world dictatorship!--And even that's going to fail finally without the wisdom of God!

Only God Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ with His angelic helpers and angelised saints is going to be able to run such a world government fairly and well, with true justice, liberty, peace, plenty and happiness for all!

What the Lord showed Avak and me and perhaps others, is that there's only going to be one great city headquarters in that day run by Jesus Himself with the wisdom of God's Holy Spirit and inhabited only by angelic saints in a perfect atmosphere, a Heavenly environment and the most excellent housing the world has ever known!

But even God's government is going to be based on the small village plan, each one circular with radial streets like the spokes of a wheel centring at the hub of God's local administration by you and me, ruling in love over the villagers of this world who will till the surrounding land, grow their own crops, harvest their own food, make what few necessities they need, clothing, housing, implements, tools, etc., right there in their own little villages!

Each village will be virtually completely self contained, self-controlled unto itself, like one big happy family or local tribe, just the way God started man out in the beginning, His ideal economy, society and government based on his own created productive land for man's simple necessities!

Even then it will take supernatural administrators to run it, the angelic saints we will then be with superhuman bodies and miraculous powers to use when necessary to enforce God's Will upon any who would dare to defy His wise, loving and caring angelic administration! God is going to show the world again how it used to be run in its earliest days of theocracy under the direct control of God and His holy agents, the prophets themselves!

We're going to go back to those days with only the beautiful creation of God around us and the wonderful creatures of God to help is plow and power and transport what little we have to do to supply our meagre needs, even as the poor of the world still do to this very day in the most remote parts of the earth!

Big business war machine surpressing the poor

Big cities, big governments and their big military machines to fight big wars with others big blobs of the same in their lust for power, wealth and glory are only a burden to the poor, a cruel, crushing weight which grinds their faces in the dirt with their loathsome load! Who needs them!--Only the selfish rich and powerful who want to be ever-more rich and powerful and are never satisfied no matter how much they have or how many bodies they grind into the ground as they trample over the poor millions to gain their ungodly goals!

Even the ensuing Antichrist world dictatorship will at first be better than the mess we are in today and the even worse mess we will be in soon! Even the Devil-possessed Antichrist will be smart enough and diabolically clever enough to bring some better order out of this chaos.

Even the Devil will try not to make such a mess out of this world as idiotic stupid disobedient man has made! After all, he wants it for his kingdom and to steal it from God along with man's worship, so he's going to try to make it as perfect as he can, the imitation millennium with the imitation messiah trying to produce a plastic peace and plenty for all!

But it's going to blow up in his face and in the faces of his worshippers because they're going to try to push out and put down the true Prince of peace, Jesus Christ, and He cannot be put out of His own Creation!

This will bring on the world's greatest trials and tribulation it has ever known as they try to wipe out the prophets of God and His Children with only partial success until the Lord Himself returns and wipes out the followers of this fiendish beast instead!

Then the Lord (Jesus Christ) Himself will set up the last and most lasting and only perfect government the world has ever known over those who remain and manage to survive the horrible holocaust and destruction that He Himself will bring upon the forces of the Antichrist as He rescues His own children from their cruel clutches by the supernatural miracle of the Rapture and Resurrection!

Then the meek and the poor and the persecuted and downtrodden shall inherit the earth, and God's righteousness and peace plenty shall cover the earth, and no man need say to his neighbour, "Know the Lord!" for all shall know Him and His mighty power, goodness and love!

He will then show the world how it should have been run and how they should have run it but couldn't without Him and His love because of their disobedience to His unselfish and only law of love!

I'm gonna start beating my plow shares back into swords!

But though mercy be shown to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness!" Even as the first two most perfect people in the world in the most perfect environment the world has ever known were made dissatisfied by the Devil and deceived to rebel against God, Adam and Eve in Eden's Garden, so will the unwilling world refuse to be happy under God's own government because they are the same ones who refused Him before!

So they will again be misled by Satan to rebel against the Lord and the Godly government of His supernatural saints in the world's last great war in which even the entire surface of the Earth itself will be destroyed by the fire of God, purged and purified at last from all the wickedness, fifth and accursed pollution and rebellion of the wicked, as well as the wicked themselves, whose spirits will then be raised from the dead to be judged by God and each punished according to his own wicked works in the great final judgement of God!

Then God will renew the face of the earth with a New Earth and a New atmospheric Heavens, and His own Heavenly city will descend from above inhabited only by His own saved children to rule a New Earth with new nations and kings who shall truly have learned the righteousness, goodness and love of God, even though they be outside the Golden city and its jewelled walls!

It will be a better world then with better people who have learned their lessons of the law of the love of God and will be happier than ever before because at last they will be purged and purified of their sins of rebellion against Him and healed by the leaves of the Trees of Life which we shall minister to them from where they grow by the River of Life within the City! ("Thank You, O Lord, for the hope Thou dost give them through the kisses of their father!")

Only the most wicked of all, Satan, the Antichrist, his False Prophet and his most ardent followers who received the Mark of the Beast and worshipped him and his Image will remain in the Lake of Fire to be punished and purged of their diabolical rebelliousness as long as God sees fit, even until such time as they too, may have learned their lesson sufficiently for God to forgive them and restore His entire creation to its original perfection where all is well!

Some of this may be a shock to some of you, but it's the truth of God's Word and you can even read it in the Bible for yourself if you wish and want to know the things that are coming to pass and hunger for the righteousness of God and thirst for His living waters that bring Eternal Life through His love and the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ! For He has promised that if you do you too shall be filled and satisfied to overflowing upon others who need Him also! Hallelujah!

A peaceful home on earth

So if you want a new world and to enjoy a new under a new good government by God Himself and even help to run it with peace and plenty and happiness for all, why not join us now and work with His Children to tell the world of His Love and show them what a wonderful world it's going to be from the Bible and your own happy smiling face and Heavenly living together in love, a present-day sample of the Heaven to come!

We have heaven on earth already with Heaven in our hearts in our Heavenly family-sized Homes!--What more can we offer?

So don't let yourself get sucked in by the blurbs of the slobs of the great big globs of the world's city blobs! Don't become a blundering, blubbering, blabbering blobber yourself living in the midst of Babel's babbling Babylonic confusion!

Get out of it! Head for the high country of Heavenly hearts and homes of our loving little Family International Homes in Heavenly lands of the Spirit!

Visit or write us today for heavenly fellowship or more of these heavenly Letters from the Lord about the Heavenly happiness that you can have in our heavenly little Homes of love!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family International

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