Ask Any Communist

By David Brandt Berg, August 21, 1973
Pray tell me this, if not amiss:
Ask Commie if he's happy!
Is heart content and life well spent
Or does he still feel scrappy?
And is his pie still in the sky And not like yours and mine Or does he sigh he cannot buy Our happiness of mind!
Yearns he for death so free of breath To terminate his tears? Or has he pain and cries in vain To free of all his fears!
Is hushed his crying and ceased his dying Grows he no longer old? Or fears he death and its foul breath As body grows so cold!
Tires he of sighing but scared of dying When death's head ugly rears? And finds he less than happiness As God prolongs his years?
Has he quit crying for life undying And love that cannot fail? Some future bliss will he just miss And life e'erlasting wail!
When he's found this I'll drink his piss With plans that always fail! When what he cares with me he shares His purpose will avail!
If he'll impart right from the start A life that's always free Then I will say I'll go his way And he's the one for me!
But till he does, I'll not his fuzz I'll not trade mine for pot! His promised heaven I'm 'ready livin'! Why trade for what I've got?
So let him dream till out of steam! —I've got contentment now! Why should I trade for noise he's made And dreams of later row?
He's not what seems, for all his dreams He can't give here and now! Why should I miss my present bliss He can't give anyhow?
When death I meet and lost loves greet And am forever free The love I know for'er will grow And live eternally!
Why dirty work for this damn jerk Who wants to fight in streets? He'd better list and get the gist And hope he Jesus meets!
I'd rather love of God above And have my happiness Than list to tripe of his own stripe And make a hell of mess!
For he's yet to show me how he can blow me With his system he says is so blest I'll take my roses while I can count noses And he can have all of the rest!
He can have his tomorrow so full of such sorrow And its fears he for me can't allay! For all of his sorrows and future tomorrows Can't rid me of yesterday!
My day is already so full of what's ready And the happiness God's already given! For the life that he talks and he so seldom walks I tell you I'm already livin'!
Long after he's passed from these things that don't last And the things here for which he has striven, I'll live with my wife a much happier life Than the hell into which he'll be driven!
So if these words make sense to you Then listen to my reason: For I would soon go hence with you Than listen to his treason!
I'd sooner have my liberty Than all his slavery! His educated jibbery Just leads to knavery!
Let him live his lie before I die And then I might believe it! But if he can't, may he repent And living Truth receive it!
So here we stand upon the sand 'Twixt Hell and deep blue sea! The redhot hell of his poor land Or church as cold can be!
You think it odd we have but God? But He has made us free! So take your Reds and Fascist heads- We'll take our liberty!
The churches cold can have their old And ministers' pink tea!- I'll take my fun until I'm done And leave the rest for thee!
You take your pie in future sky— I want mine now and here! For all is mine for which you whine And you can have your fear!
For I have heaven in my heart And I am happy now! So why should I with heaven part And to your future bow?
You promise me the things to be Which can't help and when I'm dead!— Horizons blue and things to do When Marxist blood runs red!
I'd rather die than live your lie— Still happy I would be! For why should I live for your lie And things you can't give me?
The flowers of Spring, the birds that sing —Did you make all of this? And pray if not, then tell me what You can create like this!
Methinks you can't!—For things you pant But things cannot bring bliss! For things won't grant the good you rant And happiness you'll miss!
For Jesus gives me everything Much more than you have got! For Christ is our Creator, King Which Communism's not!
For Reds cannot me joy now give Nor blues my freedom ring! For Jesus Christ I now can live, My happy heart now sing!
So won't you take my Jesus now Instead of counterfeit? To love and live He'll show you how And that's the truth of it!
Don't be a ham for empty sham And hollow words and lies! The Communist cannot have this‚ Not even when he dies!
For truth and Spring our God can bring And happy you can be! Take Jesus' joy right here and now And you'll have more than he!
Come with us now!—We'll tell you how! —His heavens we can't wait! For we are happy here and now! —His heaven is too late!
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