7 Ways To Know God's Will

David Brandt Berg, Summer 1968

EVERY TIME OF TESTING & TRIAL & SIFTING IS A TIME OF DECISION! Now how do you make a decision? For a Christian, what is a decision? What are you trying to find? The Will of God! So the question is: How do you find the will of God? The first Scripture that comes to my mind is:

"I beseech ye therefore, brethren, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy & acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Be not conformed to this World: But be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may know what is that good & acceptable & perfect will of God." (Ro.12:1,2)

So what is the first requirement in finding God's will?: Having no will of your own! Surrender your will, your body, your mind to the Lord & let Him make the decisions! If you're His child & you're letting Him do the choosing, He's going to choose that which is the best for you which will make you happy, amen? "He knows, He loves, He cares, nothing His Truth can dim! He gives His very best to those who leave the choice with Him!"

However, God may make you wait a little while sometimes, to find out His Will, but you should keep busy while you're waiting!--Keep busy, keep active!--Keep busy doing small tasks, then He knows He can trust you to tell you what's next! The boat has to be in motion before the rudder can take effect.

So how to find the will of God?: Utter abandonment, utter yieldedness to God--utter yieldedness of the mind, of the body, & of your own will! Then you'll know!--And you won't have long to wait, when you really have no desires of your own!

NOW THE FIRST PLACE WE LOOK FOR THE WILL OF GOD IS WHERE?: THE WORD!--This is the known, sure, absolute, revealed Will of God! This you don't have to doubt about at all! This is it! If God never tells you another thing, if you just work according to this Bible, you'll get along great!

Next, by the voice of His Word. You're reading a passage & all of a sudden some verse or Scripture or word just--pow!--Hits you between the eyes! It may have been written for somebody 6000 years ago, & yet, all of a sudden, it hits you personally!

Next would be direct revelation--dream, vision, voice, message, prophecy, interpretation. Just be sure that the direct revelation does not counteract nor contradict, but is in line with the Word of God! You have to measure it! Try the spirits! Make sure it is according to His Word!

What next?: "In a multitude of counsellors there lacketh not wisdom." (Pro.11:14; 15:22)--Number 4, His Word through Godly counsellors.--Those who not only claim to believe the Bible, but you see are really practising it. Those who not only are hearers of the Word, but doers also! Somebody who's witnessing & winning souls & doing the job, & has got the fruit to prove it!

Now I don't say that these have to be all in this exact order. God may speak to you out loud first, & then you may confirm it with the Word. You may hear the Voice of His Word next, & then search the rest of the Scripture & see what generally He has to say about the subject.

So what would you make Number 5?--Circumstances or Open & Closed Doors!--A very poor judge of the Will of God, but sometimes an indication. Which way does God seem to be leading? Where do you have open doors of service? Which direction does it seem that God is providing the way & the means?

Well, that leads to Number 6: The witness of the spirit, or burdens. Now I don't like to go by feeling, sometimes it can be wrong, but if it's of the Spirit of God you'll have an inner conviction.--That still small Voice in your heart--maybe not out loud, not audible or visible, but in your heart you'll feel you just have faith, you'll just know that's the will of God!

Finally what?--Sometimes you can specify the kind of revelation you want, & this we call a Fleece. Like who?--Gideon! (Jud.6:36-40) That's one way to find the Will of God--ask for a sign, a Fleece, some indication.--Check & double check!

SO HOW TO FIND THE WILL OF GOD?--SURRENDER YOUR BODIES AS A LIVING SACRIFICE, that ye may know what is that good & acceptable Will of God. Be not conformed to this World & its systems & its usual way of doing things, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind--not the old way, if you're going to accomplish anything! (Rom.12:1,2)

"That ye may know"--you'll know! There'll be no doubt about it! "When in doubt, don't!" If you do something without knowing it's God's will, it's sin! "For whatsoever is not of faith is sin." (Rom.14:23) So know you're right, then go ahead! Find His will today!!--Don't wait!--Tomorrow may be too late!--Will you obey God's Will?!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family International

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