Daily Might Menu A son helping his aged father to the bathroom.

Oh Lord, help us to be humble and not hardened or bitter.

Sometimes the very thing we don't want is what God puts us through, because our unwillingness is due to our pride. He does some things to humble us, and sometimes later repeats them to see if we're still humble! It's a real test when this happens, and it often ends in murmuring. People hold it against God: "He doesn't love me, because He didn't do what I wanted Him to do!"

A little "root of bitterness" like that can grow and grow, and soon it can become a pretty big tree! Therefore, His Word warns us to "beware lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled". (Heb.12:15)--A serious warning against the adverse results of bitterness, a very poisonous root that can defile your whole spirit! But sometimes we feel we can't stand it, we feel we have to harden our hearts in order to bear it! But that's not the solution!--Rather, "cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee!" (Psa.55:22)

So, Lord, help us to learn our lesson and be better for it, Lord, not bitter. Help us to thank Thee in spite of our sorrow. Keep us humble and broken and dependent upon Thee.