Daily Might Menu Rising to Heaven!

If we can trust Him with our lives, why can't we trust Him with our deaths?

For the Christian, thinking ahead about death or Heaven is no burden anymore. It's no longer something to worry about, it's a victory! It's a release, a graduation! "O death, where is thy sting?--O grave, where is thy victory?" (1Cor.15:55-57) Death has no sting and the grave is no defeat for the Christian who has Salvation and resurrection! Our death will be a victory over the grave and a victory over sin and a victory over the Devil!--A glorious victory and a glorious entry into the heavenlies!

God knows when and how you're supposed to die. If you are a Christian and love the Lord, God has appointed a time and a place for you to die when your job is done. "For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide, even unto death". (Psa.48:14) When it comes time to die, He'll give you dying grace. We do everything else in Jesus' name, so why not die in Jesus' name, and trust Him to determine the way, the time and the place for His glory?

God bless and keep you trusting even through death!--And don't worry, you will! You'll die like you lived, still trusting!