Daily Might Menu Only one sin is unpardonable: Resisting the Holy Ghost, rejecting Jesus!

Only one sin is unpardonable: Resisting the Holy Ghost, rejecting Jesus!

People do not have to go to Hell for sins and crimes committed in this life if they'll confess and repent of them and ask for Jesus' forgiveness. God's not so angry at the sinner for breaking the rules, since He knows the sinner is a sinner and can't keep the rules. But He is angry when they reject the free gift of His Love and Salvation. To have been shown the Love of God and resisted it, is the greatest sin. (Jn.3:19)

Any sin, any crime can be forgiven by the Lord except one. The only unpardonable sin, the only sin the Lord won't forgive and can't forgive is when you reject His Love and His Salvation through the wooing Love of His Holy Spirit. Jesus Himself said this sin shall not be forgiven, neither in this World nor in the World to come! (Mat.12:31,32)

The Devil tempts people to resist the Lord, saying, "Do as you please! You're the Captain of your soul, the master of your fate. Your head is bloody but unbowed!" That's the horrible picture of the sinner in defiance of God! How much better the beautiful picture of the saint, the yielded sinner on his knees saying, "Lord, be merciful unto me, a sinner!" (Lk. 18:9-14)--Which are you?