Daily Might Menu Man sharing the Gospel from a Bible!

What's the Good News?--"God is Love!" (1John.4:8)

All you need in order to share God's Love with others is a simple faith in a simple Salvation and a simple Gospel for simple people to simply believe and receive and be saved.--The Good News of the Love of God summed up so simply in that beautiful verse: "For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." (Jn.3:16)

If you can help them to understand each part of that verse, that's all you really need! "For God so loved the World"--Who is God?--He's the Spirit of Love! Are they part of the World? Put their name in there. "For God so loved you...that He gave His only begotten Son".--Who's that?--Jesus! "That whosoever believeth in Him"--Do they believe in and know Jesus? Then they "shall not perish", won't go to Hell, "but have everlasting life".

John 3:16 is all you really need in order to tell people that God loves them! That's all you need to preach the Gospel! That's all the education you need to go and win the lost. That's all the preparation you need to be a missionary! Simply go out where the lost are to be found and give them His Love and His Good News of Salvation in Jesus!