Daily Might Menu Adam and Eve in the Garden!

Let's get back to the Garden OF Eden!

There is only one way that you can regain the freedom that Adam and Eve had in the Garden, and that is to find God and His Truth! We already have Paradise restored in our hearts, those of us who have received Jesus Christ as our Saviour and our King. He has forgiven us of our sins and brought us peace and love and happiness that we never knew before. We already have the Garden of Eden in our hearts!

Would you like to live in this Garden of Eden?--To enjoy Paradise, freedom and all the wonderful things and pleasures that God has given us to enjoy, His whole Creation? Well, you can, just by letting Jesus into your heart. He's the One Who made the Garden of Eden! Take Him into your heart and you'll be there, because you'll have Jesus in your heart! And He'll make your heart a Garden of God's Love! There it will always be daytime and sunshine, and you'll be made clean and sinless, pure and perfect in God's sight!

And once you've found the Paradise of God, you'll want to lead others there also, that they too might experience its joys!--And you can! You can bring Eden into every heart that will receive Jesus if you'll tell them about Him, and if they'll ask Him in!