Daily Might Menu Boss praising his employee.

Always remember, everyone is hungry for praise and starving for honest appreciation!

Everybody needs encouragement! Most people feel a certain amount of inferiority complex and tend to get a little discouraged with themselves, so encouragement is a very important thing! We all need the encouragement of others, and yet most of us fail all too often to express appreciation or comfort to those about us! As we will account for every idle word (Mat.12:36,37), so we will for every idle silence!

The Lord knows that encouragement is very important. He appreciates us and commends us, and He promises to reward us for our good work. It has nothing to do with our Salvation, we get Salvation as a free gift by His mercy and grace and love, but it's our service and good works for Him that He especially commends! He really appreciates our service and our sacrifice and the things we do for Him beyond the call of duty!

"Whatsoever things are good, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things!" (Phi.4:8)--We need to apply that to those around us, and try to remind ourselves constantly to think on and praise them for their good qualities, as the Lord does with us!--Amen?