Daily Might Menu Isn't it wonderful to trust the Lord!

Isn't it wonderful to trust the Lord!

Faith and trust in God gives you a feeling of rest of body, peace of mind, contentment of heart and spiritual well-being. When you know that God loves you, you know everything is going to be okay, including His taking care of everything! Then you have peace of mind and you can just rest in the Lord.

But worry can kill you! The Bible tells us, "Fear hath torment." (1Jn.4:18) How true! Fear is the killer! You can worry yourself sick, worry yourself to death! This is why faith in Christ and His Word is the greatest cure that you could possibly have. Faith is the OPPOSITE of fear, and when you have faith, you cannot fear. You either have one or the other. If fear displaces faith, then you've got problems. But if you cling to the Lord and His Word, and replace fear with faith, then you've got solutions! So rest your case with Him--He never fails, and if you truly trust Him, He'll see you through.

Help us not to worry, Lord, because we trust YOU, and we keep our minds stayed on YOU, and YOU keep us in perfect peace. (Isa.26:3) We know You're going to handle everything, Lord, and You know what's best to do, and we know that You're in control.

"Safe in the arms of Jesus,
Safe on His gentle breast.
Here no fears alarm me,
Here can my soul find rest."