Daily Might Menu God is still on the throne and prayer changes things!

God is still on the throne and prayer changes things!

Most people today seem to put the stories of Jesus and His disciples way back in the past. They're looked on as fairy tales. They have no reality to them. God is far away, Heaven is far away, Jesus has long been dead, everything's so far away! But the Lord is just as real as ever and can still do the same, and even more so. God is still alive, well and working just as powerfully as ever amongst those that trust in Him! He says in the Bible, "I am the Lord, I change not" (Mal.3:6), and "Jesus Christ: The same yesterday, today and forever!" (Heb.13:8) The day of miracles is not past! God's Word and His guarantees have no restrictions, no limitations, no qualifications except our faith.

All God asks of us is that we honour Him with faith, by believing the promises in His Word. When you pray, bring those promises with you to remind Him. When you remind God of His Word, it shows you have faith in it. It's a positive declaration of your faith and your knowledge of the Word which pleases God. So quote Scriptures and hold God to His Word!

"Keep on believing, God answers prayer!
Keep on believing, He's still up there!"

He has never failed in one of His good promises! (1Kgs.8:56)