Daily Might Menu Sitting down with Jesus in His Throne!

We're going to sit down with Jesus in His Throne!

"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My Throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His Throne." (Rev.3:21)

That's really a rather odd picture!--Us sitting with the Lord in His Throne, meaning we'll share His power! It almost seems improper, Him letting us share His Throne!--Unless we see ourselves as He sees us, like little children! That's much more understandable, thinking of ourselves as little children sitting beside Him in His Throne. Thrones aren't normally big enough for two grown people, but they're always big enough for a child or two on the lap or beside one adult. Jesus will pick us up and put us on His Throne or set us on His knee.

We sit with the Lord in His Throne, so that makes us princes and princesses, children of the King!--And just as little children have power to influence their father when they sit with him in his throne, we've got power with our Heavenly Father too!

That's how much the Lord loves you and me! He's going to let us sit down with Him in His Throne, because we please Him and we love Him and He loves us! Isn't that a beautiful picture?