Daily Might Menu Are you giving others prayer, love, the Word, Jesus and fellowship?

Are you giving others prayer, love, the Word, Jesus and fellowship?

Each time you lead someone to receive the Lord, they're your baby! You're responsible for them and you must not forget to pray for them and help to meet their needs!

If you neglect or fail them, you're failing God and begetting poor little parentless, homeless, starving orphans!--And though orphans usually survive, they often live a pretty hard life and many of them grow up bitter against the World because they had no mother or father, and they often become bitter against God because nobody loved them!

There are five major things a new convert needs: First of all, they need prayer!--You need to ask God to help them! (Jam.5:16) Next they need a lot of love to bring them out of their loneliness and fear. (1Jn.4:18) Then they need the Word! You must teach them to suck the milk of God's life-giving Words from His breast of the Bible. (1Pet.2:2) --And they need Jesus! Jesus is in them, once they're saved, but then they have to get into Jesus! (Col.2:6,7) And they need fellowship! They need your companionship as well as your love, encouragement, instruction and prayers! (1Jn.1:7) "Lovest thou Me?" Jesus asked, "then feed My lambs!" (Jn.21:15)