Daily Might Menu A tree is a vision of perfection!

A tree is a vision of perfection!

Do you know why a tree is perfect? Because it does nothing but obey the Lord! It grows just for His glory and according to His Will, and produces exactly what He has ordained it to produce. It's fruitful and flowering, strong and beautiful, fulfilling its mission in life. It never resists, it just yields and bends and nods its head to the Will of God. It smiles all day and lifts its leafy arms to praise the Lord!

"Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper!" (Psa.1:1-3)

Lord, help us to be like trees, planted strong in Thy Earth and nourished with the water of Thy Word and fertilised with the food of Thy very body, Lord, You are like the Earth in which we grow, and on which we stand and depend and without Whom we could not exist. Help us to be strong and true like trees growing for Thy glory, fruitful and helpful, obedient and performing the mission for which You've ordained us, to grow and bear fruit for Thy glory and to be a blessing to others. In Jesus' name, amen! (Jn.15:8)