Daily Might Menu Grace plus faith plus nothing!  --  That's salvation!

Grace plus faith plus nothing! -- That's salvation!

Jesus, God's Gift of Love to us, is just that -- a GIFT -- and we just have to receive Him humbly, knowing that we can't possibly pay enough to buy our way into Heaven, to buy eternal life, to buy the happiness that Jesus brings. Accepting Salvation through His Word is a work of God's grace. "For by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that NOT of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God!" (Eph.2:8) You can't EARN a gift or else it wouldn't BE a gift!

Salvation is not a reward, it's not pay, it's not wages, it is a gift that you can't earn by faithfulness or by any kind of works of your own. Your good works can't save you and your bad works can't damn you! We're saved purely by faith in Jesus, the Gift of God, by His grace. The worst sinner can go to Heaven by faith and the best person can go to Hell because of unbelief! Heaven is full of sinners! -- Saved by grace through faith! Hell is full of the self-righteous religionists damned by their unbelief! (See Mat.5:20; 21:31b.)

Do you depend totally on the Lord, trust Him and His grace and His mercy and give Him all the glory and all the credit, knowing that only HE can save you? It's so wonderful, it's such a relief and release when you realise that you don't have to do it! -- JESUS has done it for us!