Daily Might Menu Following Jesus.

All you have to do is follow Jesus!

God always knows best, even when we don't know what we're doing. As long as we're obeying and following Him, He'll lead the way and we'll soon see where we're going.--Just like the sheep with their shepherd. Jesus said, "When the Good Shepherd puts forth His sheep, He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him." (John 10:4) Jesus knows what's ahead, He knows where the green pastures are and where the mountain passes are and where the cool waters flow. He knows where the folds are, where you'll be safe and secure. He also knows the danger spots, so you'd better stay close to Him!

You should always follow the guidance of the hand of God. You cannot look to your own wisdom, you cannot rest in your own understanding, you must look for the supernatural, miraculous and powerful leading and guidance of the hand of God! If you follow the Lord, you'll never go wrong. He's right out there with you and He knows exactly what to do. Don't try to rush ahead of Him to show Him the way you want Him to go. He's the One Who has got to lead, because only He can. So for God's sake, follow God!

May our prayer be: "Lord, I'll follow, show me the way."