Daily Might Menu Thank God for the Rod of His Correction!

Thank God for the Rod of His Correction!

God is very just and very merciful and loving. He deals with His children in such love and such long-suffering and such patience, but nevertheless firmly and sometimes drastically if we need it. He is a loving God, but He's also a very good Father, and He knows how to give us chastisement for our mistakes. He sometimes has to give us a whack with the Shepherds rod to keep us on the right path or to turn us off the wrong path.

Although God's spankings are sometimes hard to take they're a token of His Love, His "intolerable compliment" and are good for us if we learn our lesson thereby and brought into happiness with Him and each other. He often has to spank us to gust us to really yield to humble us and make us more obedient, more contrite and more submitted to His Will.

Therefore, forget not "the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the Chastening of the Lord, nor lose heart when thou are rebuked of Him, for whom the Lord loveth he disciplines and correcteth every son whom He receiveth." (Heb.12:5,6)--God's spankings are proof He loves you! So thank the Lord for His chastening rod which we have all felt if we're sons. It's such a compliment to know that we're His children!