Daily Might Menu The boldness of the Holy Spirit!

Don't be self-conscious, be Christ-conscious!

Shyness is a combination of two things--fear and pride! We are afraid of what people think about us. A certain amount of this is all right, we should like to be well thought of. But on the other hand, the Bible says we're not to be worried about the opinions of men, nor to fear what men think or say about us if we're doing what we know is right. (Pro.29:25; John 12: 42,43)

Timidity, shyness and bashfulness are basically fear which is the opposite of faith. So to overcome fear you must have more faith. The cure is faith, strong faith in God, and this comes through reading His Words and being filled with His Spirit! If you think about how much He loves you, you become less self-conscious and more God-conscious, and this is the cure.

Keep your mind on the Lord. "Thou shalt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee." (Isa.26:3) Immerse yourself in the Lord and He will help you forget yourself. Throw your whole heart into pleasing the Lord and sharing Him with others, and the Lord will help you to lose that self-consciousness so that you will only be conscious of Christ and His Message and His Love and your love for others!

Has He freed you from self-consciousness?