Daily Might Menu Mountain of accomplishment..

"Be not weary nor faint in your minds!" (Hebrews 12:3)

It's a struggle to live!--It takes faith and courage and a lot of fight! The trouble with some of us is that we stop trying in trying times. Some people faint in their minds. They give up mentally and they give up spiritually!

But God says, "Men ought always to pray and not to faint.--Pray without ceasing!" (Lk.18:1; 1Thes.5:17) "Be not weary in well doing for in due season ye shall reap if you faint not." (Gal.6:9)

The will is powerful! "The spirit of a man sustaineth him; but a wounded spirit, who can bear?" (Pro.18:14) Strong faith with a strong will has many times overcome seemingly insurmountable handicaps!

When you're weak and incapable and insufficient, then God has a chance to be strong and capable and sufficient in you! So don't give up too soon, don't get rescued prematurely, don't quit just before the victory! Anything wonderful can happen in that little margin of time when you do not give up, but keep on believing and keep on praying!--And you'll never be sorry! You'll always be glad throughout all Eternity that you held on and kept on keeping on for Jesus!