Daily Might Menu Noah and the Ark.

"Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Gal.6:9)

Sometimes we don't mind beginning a good work, but when we see what the final cost is going to be, we don't want to complete it! But we just need to remind ourselves that the greatest men and women of God who've accomplished anything at all that the World has heard about were those who stuck to their jobs through thick and thin! There's just no limit to what God can do through us also if we'll just be faithful and stick to it!

Well begun is half done, but if we don't finish it, nothing will be done! We might as well have not begun it at all than leave a task unfinished. We cannot begin a job for the Lord unless we finish it, or the whole thing will be a failure! It would have been better if you had never started! The Lord said we'd better sit down and count the cost first before we start, so that we're either able to finish the building or win the war, or we shouldn't even start it! (Lk.14:28)

Help us, Lord, to remember that it's You Who has begun a good work in us, and You shall complete it till the end! (Phi.1:6)--And help us to stick to the tasks You have given us, until they're finished or You tell us it's time to go!