Daily Might Menu Only what's done for Christ will last!

Only one life, 'twill soon be past! Only what's done for Christ will last!

Every Christian was intended to bury his life in the soil of God's service and sacrifice, and to lay down his life and take up his cross and follow Jesus and to bear fruit, many more Christians like himself. (Lk.9:23,24; Jn.15:8) For Jesus Himself said, "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone. Yet if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit!" (Jn.12:24) If we will go out and die daily for the Lord in His Service, we shall bring forth much fruit, more Christians like ourselves to preach the Gospel to more of the lost and win them to the Lord that He may have much fruit!

What a small price to pay for all He has promised in return--blessings, happiness, souls and eternity! If you give your all, God will reward you accordingly and give you everything in return, even an hundred-fold! (Mat.19:29) You can't beat that kind of investment! There's no other investment in this World that pays that much!

What are you doing?--For whom?--Will it last forever for Jesus and others? Don't waste another day! Tomorrow may be too late! Every day is gone forever! Do you spend its precious time for Him and His?--For eternity?