Daily Might Menu Steward and his talents!

May you invest your talents wisely and reap great reward!

God is no respecter of persons regarding salvation. But when it comes to our works, our talents, our abilities and our contribution to His Work, then He definitely is a respecter of persons. The people who love the Lord the most and serve Him most faithfully and sacrifice the most for Him are going to get the greatest reward, the greatest blessing! The more you use your talents, the more you give, the more God blesses and gives to you. The more you use what you've got, the more God will increase it! "If you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly. But, if you sow bountifully, you will reap bountifully!" (2Cor.9:6)

Like in the story Jesus told of the man with one talent, the one with five and the one with ten, the thing that was important was not that one was given more than the other, but how they each used what He had given! (See Mat.25:14-30.) That's up to your free will and choice and what you decide and determine to do! It's not what you've got that determines the outcome, it's what you do with what you've got!

Are you accomplishing God's highest and greatest purpose that He has in store for you? Will He say unto you, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!" (Mat.25:21)