Daily Might Menu God's Care!

If you work for Him, He'll take care of you!

If you love Him and delight yourself in the Lord, and work faithfully and try to love others and help them, He'll do anything for you, anything! He'll supply all your need according to His riches in glory! (Phi.4:19) He'll even give you the desires of your heart, anything you want! (Psa.37:4)--Not only whatever you need, but your wants as well!--That's what the Word of God says, these are promises of God, so you should believe them, claim them, and expect God to fulfil them!

Most of God's blessings and rewards are dependent upon your obedience and worthiness, your doing a good job faithfully. The Lord doesn't reward you for loafing, the Lord rewards you for faithful good work. The minute you start obeying and working, God will do His part without fail! He will bless!

May God help you to have faith to believe God and His guarantees, and be willing to obey Him and work at it, to do everything you can do, so that God can do the things you can't do. Are you a good and faithful servant? If so, God will take care of you! The good and faithful servants enter into the joy of their Lord! Here and Now, and There and Then! (Mat.25:21)