Daily Might Menu Father teaching his children.

Real love is to fulfil the part that God created you to play.

God said to King Saul, "I will make thee another man" (1Sam.10:6), and to David too--God made him another man. He turned him into something he wasn't. It's almost like playing a role. But when God has given you a role to play and you can put your heart into it and play it with enthusiasm and real inspiration of the Lord, you become that creation of God!

God has His Own plan. God has His Own ways. God knows what He's doing. So for God's sake, let Him do it and just look to Him to find out what He's doing, and what He wants you to do. What you don't want to do is miss His best--the highest and best thing God wants you to do!--The boat that could get you to where you can really accomplish something, God's special place for you in His Kingdom!

If you're willing to be what God wants you to be, not what you are, but what God wants you to be, then He can mightily use you! So are you willing, not to present your programme to God for His signature, not even to be presented with God's programme for your signature--but are you willing to sign a blank sheet of paper and let God fill it in without your even knowing what His programme is going to be?