Daily Might Menu Boy swimming.

With determination and the Lord's help, you can overcome your natural weaknesses!

You were born with certain positive traits and certain negative traits, and your personality is influenced by your ancestors, your zodiac and your environment, but it is largely up to you whether or not you emphasise your positive traits and try to overcome your negative ones.

God gives every person two sides, and a great deal is up to you what you do with what you have. You can either be strong and saintly or weak and wicked, and He leaves the choice and majesty of decision up to you, which way you want to go.--To go in the strong direction upstream, or to just drift with the tide. The choice is yours, but having made the right choice to really want to be strong and good and Godly, then the Lord can step in and help you be that way! Together you can overcome your environment and your heredity and that weak and wicked side of your nature, if you've got the faith and the drive and the determination and self-discipline to do something about it! (Phi.4:13)

He can overrule it all and make you a new creature in Christ Jesus, with old things passed away and all things become new! (2Cor.5:17)