Daily Might Menu Fishermen.

If your heart's desire is to please the Lord, the Lord will usually let you do as you please!

Your personal burdens are often a fairly good indicator of what the Lord wants you to do because He has promised: "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." (Psa.37:4)

Your personal desire in the matter often has a great deal to do with God's Will, because He gives us what we want and have faith for! If a certain thing is God's Will for you, and you're yielded to the Lord, you'll have an inner conviction about it--the witness of the Spirit! In your heart you'll feel that you have faith, and you'll just know that's the Will of God for you! God gives burdens for different ministries and mission fields to different people and then He gives them faith for that ministry or for reaching those people!

The Lord is able to make you want and like to do what He wants you to do. If you love the Lord with all your heart, your personal desires are usually the right ones, because you only want to please Him! So delight yourself in the Lord most of all and seek to do His Will. When you do, it is HIS delight to also give you the desires of your own heart, because He's the One who puts them there when you're pleasing Him!