Daily Might Menu It is wonderful to know Jesus!

Isn't it wonderful to know Jesus? isn't it wonderful to be saved?

"He that is our God is the God of Salvation!" (Psa. 68:20)--Total salvation--body, mind and spirit. God has rescued us from the very gates of death and Hell. If you have received Jesus, the battle for your soul is won, and it's a permanent victory of salvation forever! You'll never have to worry about going to Hell or whether you're going to go to Heaven or not. You have eternal life through Jesus, which is the Gift of God!--And you cannot lose it, for He will keep you! You are His!

God says He's blotted out thy sins as a cloud, and as a thick cloud He's put them behind His back, and will remember them against you no more. (Isaiah 44:22)--You're all clean now, not dirty any more, no longer under the power of the Enemy. You can start life all over with the Lord, for you're a new creature in Christ Jesus.--Old things are passed away and all things are new. (2Corinthians 5:17)

You're born again, a new person, God's new child!--With a new plan and purpose in living! He'll give you peace of mind, purity of heart, rest of soul and happiness of spirit now and forever!--"My sins are gone! Thank God for peace at last! The blood of Jesus covers all my past!"