Daily Might Menu For God's sake, don't praise man!--Praise God! Give Him all the glory!

For God's sake, don't praise man!--Praise God! Give Him all the glory!

At the Tower of Babel, the people said, "Now we're going to make a name for ourselves!--Look how big we are, how mighty and how powerful we are! Look how wonderful we are, how great we are! Behold us, we are the people!" And they forgot to give God the credit. They failed to give Him the glory, so God came down and smote them and scattered them and made them a total wreck. (Gen.11:1-9)

One of the biggest dangers you have is to begin thinking too highly of yourself. (Rom.12:3) The minute you start patting yourself on the back, God will see to it that you're humbled to bring you out of it. (1Cor.10:12) He's a jealous God, and He wants and deserves all the glory, and will have no other gods before Him! (Exo.20:5; Isa.42:8)

"Whatsoever you do in word or in deed, do ALL to the glory of GOD!" (1Cor.10:31; Col.3:17) That is our prayer, that we will please the Lord and do everything we do in word or in deed, to His glory! So whatsoever we do or say today, Lord, do help us to do all to Thy glory. "And God forbid that I should boast, save in My Saviour, Jesus Christ, our Lord, to Whom be the glory forever and ever!" (Gal.6:14)