Daily Might Menu Faithfulness.

To be "faithful unto death", just be faithful today!

The best thing that we could possibly ask of the Lord for ourselves is that we all be faithful! "Be thou faithful unto death", He says, "and I will give you a crown of life!" (Rev.2:10)

If you think about trying to be faithful the rest of your life, that just scares you, that worries you! That's just too big, you'll never make it!--But what about today? You may have had your little trials and testings, you may have gotten discouraged, you may have made mistakes. But have you still got your faith today?--Then you're full of faith! You've been faithful today!

You can only live one day at a time! You can only be faithful one day at a time! So don't worry about when you weren't faithful yesterday or whether you're going to be faithful tomorrow, but do your best to be faithful today! Just be faithful one day at a time. You don't even have to have faith for a whole day. The only faith you need is what you have got right now!--Just have faith for this moment, right now, one moment at a time.

Just be faithful every day, one day at a time, and you will inherit an eternal crown of life!