Daily Might Menu Cast thy burden upon the Lord

"Cast thy burden upon the Lord and He shall sustain thee." (Psalm 55:22)

The Lord says in His Word that He will never give you more than you're able to bear, and that He will always make a way of escape. (1Cor.10:13) Somehow He'll make it easier for you or at least help you to bear it. Even of our service for Him the Lord says, "My yoke is easy and My burden is light!" (Mat.11:28-30) That verse can be a real encouragement to you sometimes when you may be tempted to feel like life is just too hard and the burden, the particular thing you are going through, is just too heavy.

Sometimes it's a rough and rugged road, with a hard and a heavy load, and the people you meet aren't always kind. But most of the time it's a smooth and a happy road, He helps you to carry the load, and many lost souls you'll help to find!

So if you ever feel overloaded and down in the dumps, dump it on Jesus!--And if you really are overloaded, He'll help you! Seek the Lord! Cast your burden on Him! Just roll it over on Jesus and roll over and go to sleep--and let Him stay up all night! Don't worry about it!--Let the Lord do the worrying! His shoulders are broad enough to carry any load--all the burdens put together, including His Own!