Daily Might Menu Swimming

Live in the Word!

The Bible is a very deep Book! Read it and you will find a constant and continual revelation of more and more and greater and greater truth! In fact, you'll find that the Bible is such an enormous study and so fascinating and so deep and so broad that as the prophet Ezekiel said, it is as "waters to swim in"! (Eze.47:5) So, dive in and swim!--Revel in the depths of His Word!--The refreshing Water of the Word that will feed your soul, strengthen your body, renew your mind, lift your spirit, encourage your heart and purify your whole being! (Eph.5:26)

Help us, Lord Jesus, to remember what King David of old said about Thy Laws and Thy Word and Thy Precepts. He lived in them night and day. Help us also, Lord, to stay in the Word of God, grounded in the Word. (Psa.1:2)

You should be so hungry for the pure, sincere milk of the Word, that, like a newborn baby, you should devour it and drink it in! (1Pet.2:2) Like the old saying about health, "You are what you eat"--physically, you are what you read spiritually. So be sure you're getting your right spiritual food, the good, wholesome, nourishing, uplifting, encouraging, inspiring, feeding truth of the Word of God! God will bless you as you live in His Word!