Daily Might Menu Spring!

Winter's over!--Spring is here!

It's a pity to live in unhappiness, when just around the corner, your life can be thrilling and fulfilling and wonderful beyond all expectation!--"Beyond the blue horizon waits a beautiful day! Goodbye to things that bore me, joy is waiting for me! I've found a new horizon, my life has only begun! Beyond the blue horizon, waits a rising sun!" For all of us who have found the Lord, that certainly is true! Our lives are constantly full of new horizons, behind which the rising Son, Jesus, is always shining, and always brightening each new day! (Mal. 4:2)

He came "that we might have life, and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10), and enjoy His joy to the fullest, here and now!--Not just "pie in the sky" and "Heaven hereafter", but "an hundred-fold in this life, and in the World to come, Life Eternal"! (Mark 10:30)--All this and Heaven too!--Heaven on Earth and Heaven hereafter! When we found Jesus, it was like the end of a cold, hard Winter and the beginning of a beautiful new Spring-like awakening of the Spirit of Life! Hallelujah! We have a Heaven on Earth in our hearts!

For Truth and Spring our God can bring,
And happy you can be!
Take Jesus' joy right here and now,
And live a life that's free!