Daily Might Menu We are citizens of the world by birth, but citizens of heaven by rebirth!

We are citizens of the world by birth, but citizens of heaven by rebirth!

We have in effect renounced our Worldly citizenship when we receive the King of kings into our hearts. We have become citizens of God's great Heavenly City and members of the Kingdom of God when we become Christians--real Christians, true Christians, disciples of Christ, lovers of God, lovers of Jesus!

We're citizens of a New World of love and life and happiness in Jesus forever!--The Kingdom of Heaven!--The only Country that never did a wrong thing or fought a wrong war or persecuted the poor or oppressed the weak or polluted the Earth! Our Country's trying to save the World, to stop the wars, to relieve the poor and to feed the hungry, heal the sick and liberate the captives who are bound. We're citizens of the only righteous nation in the Universe, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ!--That's our Country and Heaven is our Home!

Are you a citizen of that City already? Have you received your passport? Are you claiming your citizenship papers as a rightful citizen of that Heavenly City? Your passport is Jesus and your citizenship papers are the promises of God for your Salvation!