Daily Might Menu Bullseye of God's highest Will!

Don't trade the best for something simply good!

Are you really accomplishing God's highest and greatest purpose that He has in store for you? A lot of people try to get away with what they call "God's second best". They desert God's highest calling because they aren't willing to pay the price!

But don't talk about God's best and His second best! As far as the Will of God is concerned, there's only one best, that's His best, His first best, His first choice, the "high calling of God in Christ!" (Phi.3:14) If you take second choice, it's not really HIS second best, it's your best!

What is sin?--Not really doing the most important thing God wants you to do. It's missing the mark, missing the target, missing the bull's-eye of His Will. So "let us lay aside the weights and the sins"--anything that keeps you from doing God's highest and His best, that keeps you from being in the center of His Will. (Heb.12:1)

Lord, bless and keep us all in the center of Your Will where we can be of most use to You! Keep us single-minded and single-eyed, single-hearted, of one heart! We have no idea how great Thy purpose is, but we've answered Your call, Lord! Do help us to do Your best--the best we can and nothing less!