Daily Might Menu Deliver us, Lord, from the spirit of 'busyness'!--Too busy for You and too busy for Your Word!

Deliver us, Lord, from the spirit of "busyness"!--Too busy for You and too busy for Your Word!

To learn from the Lord, you have to stop and look and listen, or you'll get run over by all the cares of this life, instead of running over with His Truth, His Love and His Joy! If you drive yourself too hard and too fast, you may never get there! You'll get out of touch with the Lord and our Heavenly Headquarters. Like the little girl said about the kitten, "Oh Mama, the kitty's gone to sleep and left its engine running!"--You may run around but still be asleep spiritually, and you may not be getting anywhere--"as one that beateth the air"! (1Cor.9:26)

"You cannot do the Master's work without the Master's power!"--And to get it, you must spend time with the Master! The Lord said but one thing is needful: To sit at His feet and learn of Him. Those who have chosen this good part, it shall never be taken away from them! (Lk.10:42) So if you're too busy to pray, you're too busy! If you're too busy to get alone with God and pray, you're too busy!

So "take time to be holy"!--Wholly His! He says, "Be still, and know that I am God. In quietness and in confidence shall your strength be!" (Psa.46:10; Isa.30:15)